Something Is Not Rotten In Denmark

Hansen tells us that due to the meltdown of the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets (caused by you and your evil children) sea levels will rise 3-6 metres this century.

At current rise rates, 3-6 metres will take …. forever. How about Finland?

Look how fast it is rising. (Assuming you are standing on your head.)

How about South Africa? OMG it will rise 6 metres in only 4,000 years. Will the people have time to prepare before the flood hits? Why is it always the third world that gets hit so hard?

Poor France – they only have 5,000 years to prepare!

Japan is in serious, serious trouble. They have less than 2,000 years to prepare for the flood.

Of course there is another possibility – that someone has no clue what he is talking about.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to Something Is Not Rotten In Denmark

  1. spepper says:

    ….not only NOT rotten, but soon, FROZEN, in Denmark……

  2. Dave says:

    You do realize that local sea level rise is a combination of global sea level rise with local subsidence and post-glacial uplift, right? And moreover, that estimates of sea level rise usually include accelerating rates in the long term due to increased temperatures, so linear extrapolations aren’t really a good approximation?

    ps. Can you link to Hansen’s prediction? The current “best guesses” seem to range from about half a meter to 1.5 meters by century’s end, but with much more sea level rise committed at that temperature from eventual (but slow) melt of Greenland and Antarctica. I’d be surprised if Hansen thought that 3-6 meters was the best estimate of 100 year sea level rise.

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