Leading Government Experts : Arctic Ice Volume To Drop To Zero Any Day Now

ScreenHunter_261 Aug. 05 19.46 ScreenHunter_259 Aug. 05 19.45


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Leading Government Experts : Arctic Ice Volume To Drop To Zero Any Day Now

  1. B.C. says:

    How appropriate that he’s got “Collaborators”, eh?

  2. lance says:

    yes, but just wait until the ice is gone during the winters!!!…shaking head….

  3. WPBHurricane05 says:

    I guess they didn’t get the XKCD comic on extrapolating.


  4. Scott says:

    Did anyone ever question as to why the trend through 1998 was essentially positive and then suddenly start tanking?


  5. Caleb says:

    They need to rethink their volume equations. This is a good year to do so, with the melt and melt-water at a minimum. You find a time and place where the ice remains as thick, (un-melted by water underneath,) and locate two large, flat plates, moving towards each other. You know area is decreasing, as a pressure ridge piles up where the two plates meet, but volume remains the same. From then on that plate, (or two plates joined to be one,) has a higher volume attached to it. Even if the two pieces split (forming a “lead”) and some open water appears between the two, the total volume of the two remains higher.

    With so much grant money floating around, surely there is some fellow who could take on this task.

  6. John B., M.D. says:

    So, what makes the authors think that a non-linear system will have a linear trend?

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