Shock News : John Kerry Lied About Who The US Is Supporting In Syria

Things aren’t exactly warming up between the Obama administration and Vladimir Putin, even as President Obama arrives in St. Petersburg for the G-20 summit.

Putin called Obama Secretary of State John Kerry a liar over Kerry’s testimony this week before Congress.

The apparent question is al Qaeda influence on the Syrian rebels, an issue Kerry has downplayed.

Speaking to his human rights council on Wednesday, Putin said: “This was very unpleasant and surprising for me. We talk to them (the Americans) and we assume they are decent people, but he is lying and he knows that he is lying. This is sad.”

Putin calls Kerry a liar

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to Shock News : John Kerry Lied About Who The US Is Supporting In Syria

  1. squid2112 says:

    What is really sad, is that I find myself believing Putin more than I believe anything coming from Washington. That is both sad and scary!

    • Kaboom says:

      Indeed. When a vain, human rights abusing pseudo dictator appears as the reasonable voice, things are truly balls up.

    • Anna Onat says:

      Indeed. It is our government mainly that are the liars. Many of these so called wise politicians have twisted and perverted the truth and have caused much harm to the USA, and its people. Is this what Mr. Obama means as “His change” to the USA? He attacks the Christians, the churches, our military, the American people etc. etc. and brings in all the wrong changes. Remember the story of King Midas? Everything he touched turned to gold. Well everything Mr Obam and his administration touches either dies or turns to evil. m Still many Americans blindly support this man (and his behavior) who is supposedly an American citizen. We have evidence all around us about the things he and his followers are doing, his Muslim beliefs and who the people he sides with and sends our money too. So why isn’t he impeached? Americans would not have put up with this behavior years ago from a president or politician .It seems many Americans have blindly accepted this type of wrong behavior from our politicians and our peoples thinking is becoming like politicians..

  2. Imagine. A former Soviet thug protecting the rights of American Citizens while a US president proposes to and actually has violated the rights of American Citizens wholesale. The world has truly turned upside down.

    My opinion is that if it is important enough to go to war, it is important enough to completely devastate the aggressor nation leaving little if anything standing. If not, stay away and let the warring parties beat each other to death. The deaths of alleged innocent people is their problem not ours in either event. If the war spills onto our genuine interests, and not just the bruised ego of a narcissistic president , go back to the first sentence of this paragraph.

    That a politician in Washington is lying is not news. That is what politicians do when their lips move, they write something, or vote for or against a bill. Democrat or or Republican makes no difference. They are almost all either lying scum or soon will be. Especially when it comes to making a deal. Anything is for sale if the price is right. Even moving red lines in the sand.

  3. Bob Greene says:

    Kerry hasn’t exactly distinguished himself as Sec. State. Nor did he distinguish himself as a senator. Just think, he could have been President.
    Kerry’s political career is built on a disregard for the truth. His testimony about Viet Nam atrocities were based on the Winter Soldier “facts” that could never be verified.
    I’m still waiting for his promised release of ALL his military records. I’d like to see if there were two discharges, the first one not so positive.

  4. Wyguy says:

    I have one hope and that is if we do bomb Syria, we hit both sides equally. Please, dear God.

  5. reformedii says:

    Did his lips move when he said “moderate muslims.”

    A “moderate muslim” is like a “back-slidden” baptist [ME!] !

    I have had a copy of the koran [OR korn if you prefer] on mycomuters since the 1990’s. KNOW YOUR ENEMY! I have read the “authorized biographies” of the certifiably psychotic demon possessed, genocidal, pedophile that the muslim brotherhood, al queda, and the iranian nutcases follow.

    They are trying to establish a caliphate in the ME. The have succeeded in Libya, Egypt, and are about to in Syria if the 6th fleet does their dirty work for them. ONLY in Egypt are human beings fighting back against the muslim brotherhood.

    So called “moderate muslims” have only to “get religion” to become what their “false prophet” wanted them to be.

    Do you really want to make bets on a “back-slidden” baptist NOT “getting religion?”

    Do you really want to trust your lives your children, and your WORLD on “back-slidden” muslims NOT “getting religion?”

    Only FOOLS [and I mean that in the most literal sense] would trust a “moderate muslim.”

  6. reformedii says:

    I forgot one thing in my post. Yesterday I sent this e-mail to MY senator and the Speaker of the House.

    “Doesn’t Syria have a mutual defense TREATY with Russia? Might be ‘kinda’ important, doncha think!”

    Might be KINDA important, doncha think!!!!

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