89% Of Blacks Think Obama Is Doing A Fantastic Job

ScreenHunter_342 Sep. 08 05.33

Obama Approval Fluid Among Hispanics, GOP Moderates

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to 89% Of Blacks Think Obama Is Doing A Fantastic Job

  1. The Iconoclast says:

    A lot of black people see the President’s skin color and recognize his divisive racial politics and give their unqualified support, despite the last five years leaving most blacks materially less well off.

    A few prominent blacks such as Larry Elder get it and are trying to shout it from the rooftops (and not entirely without success), but a course of continuous jeering from the race baiters and active disinterest from the MSM keeps the politics and disastrous policies firmly in place, and blacks delivered whole to the democratic party.

  2. True believers in the virtue of sacrifice.

    Question: if sacrifice is so noble, what about those who call for and collect the sacrifices?

  3. Polling the turnips. “Who wants to ride on the truck?”

  4. gator69 says:

    Dr King’s dream is dead.

    • Don says:

      His dream was never real. Just talk while in bed with communists. Do not forget his womanizing and plagiarism either. It was all getting better slowly but steadily by itself. Then LBJ took over and the ten ton bull elephant that is the federal government was unleashed and look where we are today. Worse than 1963 is where.

      People forget that overnight the SCOTUS destroyed thousands of black owned businesses when it ruled on public access to private enterprise. Destroyed a large black middle class and jobs as well with their ham fisted ruling which never took into account economics.

      All of this and more engendered a culture of ‘we’re owed’.

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