European Union Junk Science Reaches A New Low

This article is right off the ESA web site.

While it seems unlikely that a record minimum of sea-ice extent will be set this September, the thinner ice at the start of summer could mean that the actual volume of ice may reach a new low.

Rachel Tilling, PhD student at University College London, who is working with the CryoSat data stated, “Readings from CryoSat in October, when the ice starts to refreeze, will confirm this either way.”

New dimensions on ice / Living Planet Symposium 2013 / Observing the Earth / Our Activities / ESA

Even PIOMAS (alarmist’s #1 Arctic propaganda tool) shows a 46% increase in ice volume over last year, and the highest in four years.

ScreenHunter_472 Sep. 12 06.30

Well perhaps not a new low. Last year ESA quadrupled Envisat sea level rise rates overnight.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to European Union Junk Science Reaches A New Low

  1. R. de Haan says:

    Yep, Europe is a goner.

  2. F. Guimaraes says:

    I’ll save this PIOMAS chart before they adjust it to “lowest on record”.
    The “administrative adjustment” of the Envisat sea level data is ridiculous.
    How can they expect anyone to understand what is happening on climate if they continue to do this?
    “None of the temperature records are stable over time (since 2008). The two surface air temperature records, NCDC and GISS, show apparent systematic changes over time. This is exemplified the diagram on the following page showing the changes since May 2008 in the NCDC global surface temperature record for January 1915 and January 2000, illustrating how the difference between the early and late part of the temperature records gradually is growing by administrative means.
    (Page 6 of the July 2013 “Climate4you” report
    “June 2013: By administrative means the July 2013 temperature increase from January 1915 to January 2000 has grown from 0.39 to 0.52 oC, representing an about 33% increase of the original temperature increase reported in May 2008.
    at page 7.
    What kind of science is based on “administrative adjustments” of the past data?

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