New Mexico Permanent Drought Update

Five weeks ago, the LA Times reported that New Mexico was in an unrecoverable drought, which had permanently wrecked the ecosystem.

Aug. 6, 2013

nowhere is it worse than in New Mexico. In this parched state, the question is no longer how much worse it can get but whether it will ever get better — and, ominously, whether collapsing ecosystems can recover even if it does.

New Mexico is the driest of the dry –

Shocking imagery of the collapsing desert ecosystem has now arrived.

ScreenHunter_585 Sep. 15 07.10

Record-breaking rain swamps NM, forces evacuations | ABQJournal Online

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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26 Responses to New Mexico Permanent Drought Update

  1. matayaya says:

    Why does this have to be a winner take all discussion. It never works that way. Trying to discredit people you disagree with is silly. Lets just stick to the science and keep the discussion moving forward. It is not a crime to think out loud and speculate. It is not a sin to be mistaken. This is not a football game. No one has to lose. We can all learn from each other and move forward in our understanding. Stop with the silly personal insults and talk like civilized people we are supposed to be.

    • Weird , it just bothers me that incompetent subversive fools with an agenda are trying to wreck my country.

    • Bill says:

      If this was just a one time, random mistake I would agree with you. But when it is a pattern that has lasted for 30 years and they use the 97% consensus and terms like denier to try to keep people from disagreeing, then it is a problem.

      • matayaya says:

        I agree with you Bill. I just crave a good respectful discussion. I am not trying to best anyone or insult anyone. There are no good guy and bad guys. We are all Americans trying to do right by our families, communities, and country.

        • Like when Obama said that he has no patience for climate deniers and no time to debate the flat earth society?

        • Otter says:

          Like the muslim soldier who shot up his own military base?

        • gator69 says:

          Weird! I could have sworn matayaya just said this…

          “Playing the odds, that is the number of peer reviewed scientist saying global warming is real, vastly outnumber those saying that is bogus and we are cooling. I’m sorry but that puts you into the flat earth society.”

          Once upon a time it was consensus that Noah’s Flood formed the topography of the Earth. And ironic you would mention a flat Earth as somehow defending modern consensus.

          Go back to you day job, or find a new hobby.

    • Latitude says:

      stage two……..

      “There are three stages of scientific discovery: first people deny it is true; then they deny it is important; finally they credit the wrong person.”

      ? Alexander von Humboldt

      • matayaya says:

        So you say I am denying something important. Can you share with me what that might be?

        • Latitude says:

          climate “science” is all and only about computer games/models…
          the computer games have been a total failure….the games have not predicted even one thing right

        • Andy DC says:

          You are denying that most alarmists are totally mean spirited, rude and disrespectful (and will lie thru their teeth) to anyone who disagrees or challenges them. They said they want Nuremburg Trials for skeptics, for Heaven’s sake! They want to destroy skeptics, both personally and professionally.

          You seem to be a nice enough person and I do respect you. Same can’t be said about others invading this site with vile, obscene, extremely arrogant attitudes.

      • Jimbo says:

        matayaya have you seen the just leaked report from the IPCC. They have turned down “equilibrium climate sensitivity” (ECS). This was the same figure given back in 1980. They ramped it up during the scare and were forced to bring it back down and the climate failed to warm for 16 years. It is beginning to look like the sceptics were right afterall. By the way global warming was never a hoax. Man played a small part. The debate is about how much man was to blame for the recent warming. The IPCC says over half the warming since 1950 is due to man, sceptics say show us the evidence. There is none.

    • Otter says:

      So, please tell us, how bad is the drought in New Mexico- a state that contains a fair bit of desert terrains?

    • Jimbo says:

      matayaya, in my book it is a sin for the media to speculate without looking back into climate history over the last 100 years. If they did they wouldn’t speculate. It’s just climate cycles.

      • Jimbo says:

        matayaya, for over a decade now we have been called all sorts of nasty names. The speculation is intended to keep the populace frightened so that politicians can get what they want. They really are bad guys.

        A few years back an Arctic scientist said the Arctic would be ice free this September. In 2000 a climate modellerr said that UK children would not know what snow is. These speculations are damaging, frighten people and cause businesses to invest in the wrong areas and lose them billions. This IS the problem with speculation. Just ask the UK retailers who were constantly told to prepare for mild winters. Just tell UK car drivers who had been stuck in ungritted roads, some people died. THIS is the problem matayaya.

    • George O. says:

      Gosh, matayaya, before, the “permanent draught” story was released with all sorts of climo-facist fervor. People who thought differently were stupid, or “just didn’t get it.” As I noted last September, Julia Cart didn’t know what the heck she was taking about, nor did the other girl journalist. They appear to be earth-is-coming-to-an-end members and Algore worshipers. You, matayaya, plead for reasonableness, now that they’ve been proven all wet. I think as originally stated, that Julia Cart should recant and serve up an apology, because she didn’t perform adequate journalistic research. Hers was a sloppy and ridiculous product, and she’s now been proven to be dead wrong.

  2. Andy DC says:

    For the last 10,000 years, prior to the arrival of evil white men and fossil fuels, New Mexico was the Garden of Eden. Rains were always perfect, never too little or too much (no droughts, no floods. Certainly never exceptional droughtflood!). Temperatures were always exactly 75 degrees. The animals were friends of the Indigenous Peoples and the ecosystems all worked in splendid harmony. In addition, the Tooth Fairy and Sugar Plum Princess always arrived exactly on time.

  3. Andy DC says:

    I was also going to say that Santa always arrived on time as well, but I can’t mention that because Santa represents an evil Christian holiday!

  4. Andy Oz says:

    Perhaps alarmists are red-green colourblind and can’t tell the difference between vegetation from the desert sands?

  5. Pathway says:

    There are good guys and bad guys. There are those who love America and the Constitution and those who want to fundamentally transform America.

  6. Curt says:

    I really think we need to spread the meme that those who claim every little weather anomaly is unprecedented are latter-day creationists who believe the earth was an idyllic Garden of Eden before the evil apple of industrial civilization came along.

    • kuhnkat says:

      Curt, if you are not joking you have been exposed to a CULT!

      Adam and Eve ate the fruit from the tree which gave them knowledge of Good and Evil, Not coal power plants and nukes.

  7. Chuck says:

    I can personally vouch that this is the wettest September I can remember in ABQ!

  8. John B., M.D. says:

    Rainfall in NM, as well as across the majority of the southwest, has been above average for the past month:

  9. George O. says:

    This Julie Cart person who wrote articles about the “permanent draught” in New Mexico ought to be fired…unless, the Times ordered her to. The woman lives in Altadena, CA and gives not hint that she might have traveled to take an actual look at New Mexico. I just returned from spending a week there and can state that it’s the greenest and wettest I’ve ever seen it, and I travel there twice a year and have been doing so for the last fifteen years.
    Cart’s Aug 6 article missed the fact that the US Weather Bureau had already forecasted an “improved draught” on July 18. She seems to have piggybacked her information from another female journalist that appeared elsewhere on Aug 1. It, also, reflected no current research, and the woman’s background indicated that she’d been an intern here and an intern there. In other words, a very inexperienced person doing stuff for little or no pay.
    It’s rather suspicious that the MSM is suddenly focusing on New Mexico. There must be some political agenda being nursed. Most definitely journalism in America is at a low point.
    It is fortuitous that such an obvious miscalculation has been made by the LA Times. This and the other developments may well put an end to Algore-ism.

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