A Peek Inside The Distorted Criminal Mind Of Climate Alarmists

On the one hand, they warn of 30C warming and 20 metres of sea level rise.

At the same time, they have to cheat for every tenth of a degree warming and every tenth of a millimetre sea level rise.

One of the funniest cheats is the GIA adjustment to sea level, which is how much sea level would have risen – without glacial rebound.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to A Peek Inside The Distorted Criminal Mind Of Climate Alarmists

  1. I remember the good old days when sea level rise measurement used to be about how high the sea levels had actually risen.

  2. Shazaam says:

    At least they are simply criminally incompetent fools.

    Since they have been unable to “adjust” the printed historical records, their scam is unraveling.

    Though not before they managed significant economic disruptions and damage. All the money wasted on subsidizing “green” industry and/or energy before it was ready for prime time was quite a waste. A waste unless you were on the receiving end of the subsidy largesses.

  3. Greg says:

    Was hurricane sandy a 1000 or ‘biblical’ storm??? I can’t remember..

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