Rapid Arctic Ice Growth

Green shows new ice formation over the past week.

ScreenHunter_774 Sep. 20 21.23

Arctic Sea-Ice Monitor

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Rapid Arctic Ice Growth

  1. David says:

    What is the usual date of the Sept minimum?

  2. Anything is possible says:

    Usually in the second week of September.

    This year it was on the 9th., which is fairly typical.

  3. Caleb says:

    A ship has appeared in the distance at the “North Pole Camera.” It is stopped. I wonder if they are sending some people to fix “Camera One,” which was knocked flat on its face by a polar bear earlier this summer. See the picture at the bottom of my post at:


    We only got the picture because a thaw melted the ice from the lens. The south winds are once again pushing the ice north away from Fram Strait.

  4. Caleb says:

    Can anyone identify that ship pictured by the “North Pole Camera?” I thought it might be the “Lance,” but the Lance has a helicopter pad towards the stern, (and it has a mission to the northeast of Svalbard, not the northwest.) The various “shipping” maps I use don’t show a ship there.

  5. Caleb says:

    I posted this over at WUWT:

    “I haven’t been able to determine the name of the ship, or discover what it is doing up by our camera. Can anyone help me?

    In the mean time, in the general spirit of acrimony that is permeating Climate Science, I have decided to start a completely false rumor: The ship was sent up there by Greenpeace to break up the ice around the North Pole Camera, so it would look like the ice was melting, but unfortunately it got stuck in the ice and couldn’t exit the view before the camera took the picture. Please send help.

    There. Let’s hope that goes viral.”

  6. Billy Liar says:

    $10 says it’s the Norwegian Coastguard vessel, KV Svalbard W303:


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