Latest From The Religion Of Peace

ScreenHunter_821 Sep. 21 19.02

39 killed and more carnage feared as Kenya mall attackers face off –

CNN of course doesn’t bother to mention that the attack was by Muslims targeting Christians and Jews.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Latest From The Religion Of Peace

  1. Gamecock says:

    Peace for them; not you.

  2. Mike D says:

    Yeah, comically, although they claim to have escorted ALL Muslims out of the mall, CNN believes that mean they targeted those who didn’t believe in “their extreme form of Islam.” Because I guess ALL Muslims doesn’t include moderate Muslims.

    “It claimed that “all Muslims” were escorted from the mall before the attack, suggesting its targets were people who didn’t believe in their extreme form of Islam.”

  3. tom0mason says:

    If you could not answer the question of ‘who was Mohammad*’s mother’ you were shot, reports the BBC.

    *That is Ab? al-Q?sim Mu?ammad ibn ?Abd All?h ibn ?Abd al-Mu??alib ibn H?shim

  4. R. de Haan says:

    And fon’t forget the terrorist attacks in Iraq today.

    This will continue until the entire Middle East, Africa and Persia is burning.

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