IPCC Meeting In Overheated Stockholm

The IPCC plans to prove this week that the heating which isn’t happening – is caused by man.

ScreenHunter_906 Sep. 24 18.01

Stockholm, Sweden Weather Forecast from Weather Underground

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to IPCC Meeting In Overheated Stockholm

  1. tom0mason says:

    The coven has convened and the cauldron is abubble.

  2. Justa Joe says:

    How long will the farce of the IPCC continue this pointless crap, endless meetings upon endless worthless “reports”? The jig is up already.

  3. Morgan in Sweden says:

    Gloves on here in Stockholm, +3 degree C this morning, that is NOT normal at this time of the year. Pretty funny that as soon as the meeting started, it went cold here in Stockholm.

  4. gator69 says:

    The UnStockholm Syndrome.

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