Most Penguins Allege That Journalists Are Idiots

Every journalist in the world now thinks they are qualified to speak for the majority of scientists.

Most scientists allege that warming has continued, but most of the heat has been absorbed by the oceans.

IPCC Report in Doubt: Are Climate Change Skeptics “Dumb”?

i.e. Trenberth and the mouse in his pocket.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Most Penguins Allege That Journalists Are Idiots

  1. “On the one hand, a significant majority of the scientific community have come to the consensus that global warming is happening at an accelerated rate…”

  2. DSC says:

    Why use allege instead of believe? You don’t have to believe something to allege something. I wonder if it was a Freudian slip?

  3. That would have been a good report, if they had only added, “This does not make any sense at all, of course.”

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