1978 Consensus – Warm Winters Are A Thing Of The Past

almost all my colleagues agree we are entering a cold phase

ScreenHunter_982 Sep. 26 23.30

ScreenHunter_983 Sep. 26 23.31

ScreenHunter_984 Sep. 26 23.31

Middlesboro Daily News – Google News Archive Search

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to 1978 Consensus – Warm Winters Are A Thing Of The Past

  1. Patrick Hannon says:

    Steven … this is off topic for this post; but I’m a professional statistician, and I can’t take this abuse any more. I’m going to become activist and denounce the unscientific approach that these IPCC “scientists” take. They have turned the scientific method on it’s head, and that’s why so many outside scientists and engineers have signed petitions objecting to what they’ve seen when they pull back the curtains of their charade (Burt Rutan, eg.) . I know from experience in my industry (pharmaceutical) that the integrity of the data/basis is central to decision of rational interpretation. Any “adjustment” is viewed as suspect.

    I believe I’m going to become activist. I have skill and knowledge, and aim to fire this to demand the scientific method be adhered to. Please channel me in a productive direction/connection.
    [email protected]

  2. How many administrative bodies of scientific institutions have endorsed the IPCC consensus? All of them. How many have surveyed their memberships to find out what they think? None of them.

  3. Dave G says:

    It’s a good thing we pumped all that CO2 into the atmosphere to prevent this.

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