Northern Hemisphere Winter Temperatures Plummeting Over The Last 16 Years

Winter temperatures in the US, Europe and Asia have been plummeting since global warming ended 17 years ago.ScreenHunter_1003 Sep. 27 09.47

Data.GISS: GISS Surface Temperature Analysis

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Northern Hemisphere Winter Temperatures Plummeting Over The Last 16 Years

  1. gator69 says:

    NASA is now citing SkS? 😆

    The fat lady is singing, as she jumps the shark.

  2. Okie says:

    Notice how the meme now is “global warming has slowed”? Apparently that is the purpose of skewing past data.

  3. phodges says:

    When did they find their grey pen? Didn’t they formerly just paint those areas red or pink?

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