NSIDC Announces That Record Arctic Ice Growth Is Proof That It Is Disappearing

The minimum ice extent was the sixth lowest* in the satellite record, and reinforces the long-term downward trend in Arctic ice extent.

Arctic sea ice reaches lowest extent for 2013

Mark “Death Spiral” Serreze tells us that the record 70% YOY growth in Arctic sea ice to a nine year September high, proves that it is disappearing.

ScreenHunter_1051 Sep. 29 05.24

COI | Centre for Ocean and Ice | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut

Like the IPCC, NSIDC apparently sees contrary data as reinforcing their funding-ready theory.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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11 Responses to NSIDC Announces That Record Arctic Ice Growth Is Proof That It Is Disappearing

  1. kbray in california says:

    I wonder what an upward trend would look like…?

  2. Robertv says:

    Satellite record reinforces the long-term downward trend in Antarctica ?

  3. Eric Barnes says:

    NSIDC must have some of the shovel ready jobs BHO was referring to. Their shoveling is going into overdrive now. Watch your step!

  4. RAVerhoeckx says:

    When you are in discussion with a fatous lefty liberal, make sure that you have your hip boots on . The BS gets quite deep! Never ask a lefty liberal for facts and data on any subject matter they are expounding on. Their tirade is to obfuscate through obstreperous apopletic fits !

  5. gator69 says:

    “Like the IPCC, NSIDC apparently sees contrary data as reinforcing their funding-ready theory.”

    They see contrary data? Conscary data maybe.

  6. John B., M.D. says:

    Using a linear trend line to model a cyclical or higher than 1st-degree polynomial function is statistical malpractice.
    That said, I bet the slope of the trend line increased this year, thus negating the statement “reinforces the long-term downward trend in Arctic ice extent.”

  7. Philip says:

    Hitler’s Nazi’s, who were the last people to form a ‘Fortress Europe’ before the present day European Union, also displayed this characteristic of false reporting supporting fictitious reality in order to support their ideals, misplaced aspirations, and justifications for their tyrannical totalitarian system.

    • Shazaam says:

      Whoa, time warp….. September 2013 post!!!

      I must be confused. I was no reference to the National Socialist Party in the text of Toto’s post above.

      Thus I have to ask why?

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