Shock News : Obamacare Is A Disaster

ScreenHunter_1131 Sep. 30 21.14

US employers slashing worker hours to avoid Obamacare insurance mandate | World news |

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to Shock News : Obamacare Is A Disaster

  1. LOL in Oregon says:

    Whoo Hooo!
    Snooker in those folk to support Corporate Welfare!
    ….and did you notice that the whole ObamaCare is actually a ruse by Big Corporate
    with the naiveté assistance of the go-gooders and bot-replaceable drone free loaders?

    Corporates are increasing profits by dropping the payment for health care, and
    ………..when it becomes too expensive,
    the goberment will drop the subsidies while still having the IRS
    ………remember the IRS? They go after anyone the goberment doesn’t like
    insuring folk “pay up”!

    Of course,
    at least ten million more people will be “gifted” with YOU paying for it
    ===> without adding a single new doctor,
    but adding 16,000 new IRS agents,
    ===> and making sure Congress is exempted!
    Haaaa, Haaaa, Haaaa

  2. gator69 says:

    Obama is a disaster. The only care he displays is on the golf course.

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