No Possible Outcome For The Dems To Win

Regardless of whether Boehner  caves, the Democrats are going to get slammed.

  1. Boehner holds tight and Obama caves. Dems lose.
  2. Boehner holds tight and Obama doesn’t cave. Obama gets impeached and off to Gitmo. Dems get destroyed in the next election.
  3. Boehner caves and Obamanightmare goes into force. Incumbents from both parties get destroyed in the next election.

The only thing in play is how the Republicans fare. If they cave, they destroy any remaining credibility. If hey hold tight, they are heroes.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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34 Responses to No Possible Outcome For The Dems To Win

  1. EW3 says:

    Steve, your logic is sound.
    But what the American people will hear (and likely believe) is what the MSM tells them
    And they almost never make dems look bad.

    • slimething says:

      You beat me to it.

      • The MSM will be one of the first casualties after people understand how much Obamcare costs them.

        • EW3 says:

          Sorry Steve, the MSM is indestructible with our current demographics.
          There is a chance the younger generation won’t trust them as they get the information from other sources. But the Dems want to turn another 10 to 20 million aliens into voters who have no context with which to question the MSM. Remember the MSM is big into legalizing illegals.

        • Tom Bakert says:

          Regrettably, I have to agree with EW3 wrt the MSM. On Good Morning America today (My wife watches GMA; I think it sucks.) their coverage showed Boehner approaching an array of microphones for 3 seconds with no audio, and then aired a full minute of an arrogant Obama blaming Republicans and the Tea Party for the shutdown.

      • Lance says:

        You guys are correct….even the media up here in Canada are stating Republicans this and that….and not in a very good light….

        • Even the Republicans in the Senate are sniping at the “Tea Party” in the House of Representatives…Even Fox news… It’s “Dawn of the Dead” all over again, with zombies everywhere and going for your throat. Now you all are starting to get why I have been going on about “The Insane Left” for the last several years, and how there’s this war going on with them.

  2. Paul in Sweden says:

    I want the purse strings kept tied so that the federal govt. shutdown can go on long enough so that citizens realize that the only people who need this bloated federal government are the individuals, companies and organizations that suck on the teats. -Paul

    • Avery Harden says:

      That would include a lot of Republicans in Virginia. The Republican candidate for governor and four Republican House members are calling for the House to approve a clean CR.

      • What you mean by “clean” is socialist filth in a state which sucks on the Federal teat.

      • Tom Bakert says:

        What is “dirty” about a budget that seeks to eliminate or delay funding for an expensive and ill conceived program, enacted by a reconciliation maneuver in the Senate against the will of the majority of the citizens of this country?

  3. Local Australian state media reported enthusiastically yesterday on TV that Obamacare has reduced healthcare costs by 75%,

      • Avery Harden says:

        The US has spent for decades more than double what any other developed country spends on health care. Obamacare, according to the CBO, does not increase that amount, only rearranges the system of how the country spends that money. The goal is to create a system that permits efficiencies that can bend the cost curve downward. For a decade or more before Obama became president, health care cost were rising almost 10 percent a year. The uninsured get their health care the most expensive way possible in the emergency room. The insurance companies have taken too large a cut of the pie and now some of that money will be plowed back into actually giving health care. Massachusetts is mostly a success story and medicare part D passed by the Bush adminstration is mostly successful. Medicare needs some scaling back to gets its cost in line with its revenue but is actually efficiently run, by the government. Obamacare, in time, will prove itself as well.

        • Chewer says:

          Obamacare, new EPA laws, Attorney General manipulation, hate of the capital Society, progressive ideals and AGW intrusions = lack of good public sentiment.
          Poor sentiment in the USA and throughout the world is the reason Capitalism is going downhill, with no possible recovery unless the Progressives take a beating of-a-lifetime soon.
          Unless you like people working a few part-time jobs to get by or collecting off the system, you must be totally in tune with the MSM.
          Sentiment is what makes the Capitalist world-go-round, unless you agree with central government planning tactics… In that case, you’ve missed the lessons of history!
          Everything you read in the news misses the point… Sentiment is a 100% contribution to growth & prosperity, while progressivism is the opposite.

  4. John B., M.D. says:

    I don’t see Obama getting impeached. And even if he did the Senate would never throw him out.
    And even if they did, then we’d get Biden. Have you considered that?

    The best plan is to let the full weight of Obamacare hit, then wait for the polls early next year asking likely voters if their ins premiums and deductibles have gone up, or if they were able to keep the plans and doctors they liked. They should also poll physicians about how things are working out. I’m reading lots of depressing stuff from docs on the website.

    Also, Congress and their staffs, and all govt workers (esp. Obama administration political appointees and all IRS union members) should be subject to the same health ins exchanges they want to impose on others – including the premiums, subsidies and deductibles, lack of choice, rationing, and denials by IPAB.

    Let Dems pay the price in 2014 and 2016.

  5. R. Shearer says:

    The debt ceiling is coming up too in a couple of weeks. Who is going to play that wild card?

  6. Chewer says:

    If PEW and others are reporting Big 0’s ratings in the low 40’s, you can expect 30-35% at best.
    Those numbers are just barely good enough to get by the massive voter fraud machine that will be perfected by November of next year!

    • Avery Harden says:

      Republican numbers in that same poll were 28 percent approval. Obama’s numbers look good in comparison. If we go over the debt ceiling cliff, I would wager Republicans get most of the blame.

  7. Avery Harden says:

    Some of us have as much regard for Ted Cruz as you all have for Obama.

    • Shazaam says:

      Well you are entitled to your opinion.

      Me, I find it hilarious that the Nobel Peace Prize President hasn’t yet found a country he doesn’t want to drone, spy upon or invade.

      I don’t call him O-Bomb-Ya because I can’t pronounce Obama……

      • Avery Harden says:

        That sounds like a compliment to Obama. I think it is smart if you can protect the country and avoid all out wars.

    • suyts says:

      Hilarious how RINO’s and Dems pretend this was Cruz’ doing. But, I’ve gotta say Cruz is playing it well.

      • Avery Harden says:

        Grover Norquist is a RINO? He had the best quote about Cruz and how he pushed the Republicans out into traffic only to retreat by himself back to the safety of the curb.

    • suyts says:

      A little history for you, Politico, and the rest…… The House of Representatives were the ones who passed the bill to defund Zerocare. What was Cruz suppose to do? Not support it? The Dems and RINO’s attacking Cruz over this is because he’s a threat to upset their little apple cart. There’s a whole bunch of RINO wannabe nominees. There’a lot of Dems who realize we’re most likely to have a Repub pres in 2016. And, Cruz scares the hell out of the leftards. Oddly, I think these attacks are raising Cruz’ stature among the party and independents.

      • Avery Harden says:

        Cruz is toast. Grover Norquist is a RINO? He had the best quote about Cruz and how he pushed the Republicans out into traffic only to retreat by himself back to the safety of the curb.

    • I missed the part where Ted Cruz ran up $8,000,000,000,000 debt and lied about everything.

  8. Chewer says:

    Word has it that Begich is baggage and complete history next year, with Murkowski being adioski the following term.
    Hopefully voters kick their nasty go-along-to-get-along scumbag representatives out by force over the next two voting periods…

  9. R. de Haan says:

    Obama, I need a lever:

    This administration is a train wreck and this President is hanging by a thread.

    As for the real deficit, it is more than 200 trillion usd:

    They really lied about ‘everything’ and they continue to do so.

  10. There are certain advantages to AHA from a business prospective. US companies are among the few in the world who have to pay staff healthcare. This makes them potentially less competitive. (Yes I know the argument is that staff ultimately pay not businesses, but there are still competitive disadvantages in administrative overhead and in attracting good staff.)

    Is a national health care scheme socialist? Yes of course. But sometimes it’s hard to tell the difference between that and a quasi monopolistic capitalist system anyway.

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