Boner Starting To Go Limp, As Expected

WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) — House Speaker John Boehner is showing flexibility about working with Democrats to pass an increase in the U.S. debt limit, reports said Thursday, as the U.S. neared its borrowing limit.

Boehner said to be flexible on debt ceiling vote – MarketWatch

Obama knows that he can always count on John to fold while holding a straight flush, make a fool out of himself, and sell out the American people.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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16 Responses to Boner Starting To Go Limp, As Expected

  1. Well, they say if the erection lasts for more than four hours you’re supposed to see an Obamacare Doctor. Or something….

  2. EW3 says:

    Time to start a nation wide campaign sending Boehner some Viagra.

  3. Don says:

    The shutdown we have now is not over the debt ceiling/limit. It is over Obama (really doesn’t) care funding.

    Default might not be a good thing. Of course giving these folks a few trillion more to play with is not a good thing either. But how many are willing to defaut?

    Not my debt, I never agreed to it (see: Lysander Spooner).

  4. Pathway says:

    Will the Chinese come and reposes the Nat’l Monuments if we default? I say let’m come.

  5. Jorge says:

    Guy, this is the right move. He should delay the whole thing a couple of months and buy time. Forcing the issue right away would only benefit Obama. The longer this drags out, the stronger our position vs. Obama is. We incrementally pay for various programs of OUR choosing and keep closed WHAT THE LIBERALS WANT. Time only benefits US. Forcing the issue to an early conclusion benefits Obama.

    The Tea Party wanted this showdown and now want to lose it too. Jesus.

    • What he is doing is committing suicide . He never should have started it, but if he backs down now the Republican Party will be obliterated in the next election. No one on either side will take Republicans seriously after he folds.

      • Jorge says:

        He’s not backing down, because the fight was never about debt ceiling. It’s just another distraction Obama is trying confuse the public with. It’s about the government shutdown. These are two different things. Boehner is only going to extend the debt ceiling temporarily, which he should do. Separate the two issues. He’s putting all the pressure on Obama to make concessions. Believe it or not Steve, I actually think Boehner is winning this thing.

        This whole thing is already hard enough to win without creating unnecessary divisions. Let’s unite here. Obama wants a divided party, he’s actually counting on it.

  6. phodges says:

    Obama knows that he can always count on John to …. sell out the American people.

    That’s what they get paid for, right!?

  7. Rosco says:

    I sold most of my shares on the highpoint in 2012 because I thought the Republicans couldn’t possibly sacrifice their credibility at least a second time over the debt ceiling in 2012.

    I was expecting another mini crash and prices to fall – which is inevitable once people realise some adjustments are required.

    My mistake for thinking that anyone in the financial sector prefers actual fiscal responsibility over simply printing more money.

    Third time lucky ?

    I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll……… – give in again.

    I’m forever blowing bubbles.

    Mind you America’s dealing with the problem needs careful handling – but it is simply getting worse.

  8. Andy Oz says:

    Veterans go to the park and politicians do a song and dance routine.
    Note the mention of “indoctrination sessions”.

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