The Art Of Pulling Very Precise Numbers Out Of Your Arse


current estimates suggest that to have a sixty-seven per cent chance of attaining the I.P.C.C.’s goal of keeping global warming to less than 3.6 degrees, it would have required 3.7 per cent reductions per year, had reductions begun in 2011. If they begin in 2015, reductions would have to be 5.3 per cent per year. If we wait until 2020, reductions would have to occur at the currently unimaginable rate of nine per cent per year.

Global Warming, Geoengineering, and How to Solve the Carbon Crisis : The New Yorker

There is a 99.967325% chance that the Chinese are going to continue building coal fired power plants, while obsessive compulsive neurotics in the west continue their mental masturbation.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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12 Responses to The Art Of Pulling Very Precise Numbers Out Of Your Arse

  1. Ed says:

    Agreed 110.56%. There’s a bloke who loves the sound of himself.

  2. scizzorbill says:

    Would make sense if CO2 had anything to do with climate.

  3. “current estimates suggest that to have a sixty-seven per cent chance of attaining the I.P.C.C.’s goal…”

    This sounds better than, “We sat around the office and chatted over our soy lattes and concluded that there was a two thirds chance…”

  4. R. de Haan says:

    Message to the Dems.
    That’s how deep we have sunk. Getting stabbed in the back by our own in-crowd, a bunch of fucking traitors. Thanks to them, we’re sold out to the freaking Chinese and “screw the world three times over” Vladimir Putin, a low life KGB thug who behaves like the new owner of third class hoar house. Well the entire world has turned into a third class hoar house by now,
    thanks to a bunch of brain dead American Waco’s who voted for “change” and helped 1-800-fuckyo into office.
    Well, here you have your “change” you morons. Deal with it.

    Ps. 1-800-fuckyo is the National Info number for Obamacare.

    Don’t you love it.

  5. Mike D says:

    Does having a phd in any unrelated field like theoretical physics qualify anyone to write about global warming?

  6. chris y says:

    Let’s apply this to Hansen’s West Side highway underwater claim.

    Hansen estimates that to have a 100 per cent chance of attaining his goal of making the West Side Highway permanently littoral by 2020 (sea level rise of 10 feet or 3050 mm), it would have required a 98 mm sea level rise per year, had the increases begun when he made the prediction in 1989. If they begin in 2015, sea level rise would have to be 595 mm per year. If we wait until 2020, sea level rise would have to occur at the currently unimaginable rate of 2960 mm per year.

  7. SMS says:

    In metrology we used to refer to accuracy in terms of: measure it with a ruler, mark it with chalk and cut it with an ax. Todays climatologists claim to have measured temperature with a micrometer, but in reality, they cut it with an ax.

  8. The Ol' Seadog. says:

    I thought ‘mericans spelt ” arse” as “ass”.

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