Boner Poker Strategy

Bet all of your cash on a full house when you know that your opponent is bluffing with nothing in his hand – then after several rounds of raises, announce that you are going to fold soon after mortgaging the rest of your assets.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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12 Responses to Boner Poker Strategy

  1. Gamecock says:

    Take the blame for the shutdown . . . then give up, getting nothing for it.

  2. daveburton says:

    Boehner is willing to compromise, but he won’t cave.

  3. R. de Haan says:

    I hope he knows people have to dial 1-800 fuckyo to reach Obama’s Heatlh Care Hotline

  4. robotech master says:

    daveburton says:
    October 3, 2013 at 9:45 pm

    Boehner is willing to compromise, but he won’t cave.

    If it was the 1930s germany Boehner would be saying “we can not kill all these jews and other people”. “we will not let hitler run wild and take private property and do whatever he want.”

    Day 1. “We will not cave”

    Day 2. “We are willing to be flexible”

    Day 3. “We have a compromise.” “We will not be letting hitler get hit way… we will simply imprison all the jews.”

    New York Times: “This is a huge win for the jews”
    New York Times interviewing slightly less extremists “expert” and claiming he’s a moderate”
    “Well you know this have good things for the jews and bad things for the jews, and the same could be said for hitler.” “You know the saying though… A good compromise is where neither party is happy and I think we can agree neither party is happy about this outcome.”

  5. Mike D says:

    Boehner doesn’t like bad things being said about him. He breaks down crying. So when the media blames him for the shutdown, he caves.

  6. R. de Haan says:

    Government shut down doesn’t stop the warmongers:

    The shut down is one big farce

  7. R. de Haan says:

    This is Boner blinking:

    The guy must be stupid or bloating from self importance to make such a remark.
    What a character. And we could have done so much better…

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