Sea Level To Rise 25 Feet

Scientific Assessment Confirms Arctic in Crisis from Global Warming; Arctic SOS Means Limit on Heat-trapping Emissions Overdue says WWF

sea level could rise by as much 25 feet

World Wildlife Fund

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to Sea Level To Rise 25 Feet

  1. When I was in college in the 1970’s I gave $20 to WWF, mainly because they had the picture of a bear and said something about wildlife. Wish I could get that money back with interest.

  2. Regarding the 25 feet sentence:

    1. they don’t phrase it as a projection. They explicitly write “if Greenland melts”.

    2. They don’t give a time frame for when Greenland melting might be conceivable.

    3. It appears increasingly unlikely that Greenland will survive in the long term:

    • Ben says:

      More BS claims

      1. “By the end of the century, sea levels could rise by nearly one yard.”
      At current annual pace of 1.8mm – 3.3mm, I don’t think we are going to make it.

      1. “If current trends continue unabated, polar bears could become extinct by the end of this century. Polar bears hunt their primary prey on the sea ice during winter”
      Walt Meier of NSIDC says the Arctic has been ice-free multiple times in the past. Obviously, Polar bears survived the last few ice-free Arctics. They adapted, or they would already be extinct.

  3. tom0mason says:

    The paper TIDE GAUGE LOCATION AND THE MEASUREMENT OF GLOBAL SEA LEVEL RISE shows that 65% of gauges show no (0%) sea level rise.
    A good right-up of the paper is here –

    • tom0mason says:

      Ooops, I too decoffeinated.

      Out with “A good right-up of the paper is here -”
      In with “A good write-up of the paper is here -“

  4. Bob Knows says:

    Yes. liberal is a mental disease.

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