IPCC Chairman’s Austrian Relatives Located

ScreenHunter_1529 Oct. 15 00.24

Living relatives of iceman mummy found | Fox News

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to IPCC Chairman’s Austrian Relatives Located

  1. Perry says:

    Curiously, Otzi does not look like a fat railway engineer. Haplogroup G is……….. interesting.

    My paternal haplogroup is R1b1b2a1a2d & maternal haplogroup is J1c1. It’s very illuminating to know who & what one is. https://www.23andme.com is the place to go. The results indicate genetic predisposition to disease, which could be alarming to some, but there is the choice to leave that section of results unopened. I looked…. nothing to see folks…. move along please.

    I was amused by one finding. I’m 99.7% European, with 0.1% Middle Eastern & North African & 0.1% unassigned. Unassigned? Who’s been flopping about in my gene pool & where’s me ovver 0.1% gorn??



  2. Colorado Wellington says:

    Steve, you’ve insulted Ötzi who carried weapons, hunted his own food, repaired his own stuff, didn’t work for the government, didn’t lie about vanishing glaciers for a living, never caressed his fellow Nobel prize winner’s voluptuous breasts, didn’t write a smutty novel about it, and ultimately contributed his frozen body to real science.

    You owe the man an apology.

  3. @NJSnowFan says:

    WTF is right, they said Otzi probably had Lyme disease.

    Lyme disease is a new disease that was firs found in Lyme county CT. Most likely came from Plumb Island, a Gov. animal reasearch island.

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