Boner And The Senate McDickheads Deliver A Big Win For Their Democratic Party Bosses

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About Tony Heller

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3 Responses to Boner And The Senate McDickheads Deliver A Big Win For Their Democratic Party Bosses

  1. Sunsettommy says:

    Meanwhile this comes out from The Tax Foundation on Obamacare:

    Obamacare Increases Premiums by As Much As 305 Percent

    September 25, 2013
    By Andrew Lundeen


    The numbers are finally out for Obamacare premiums and they look expensive. From Forbes (emphasis added):

    “Based on a Manhattan Institute analysis of the HHS numbers, Obamacare will increase underlying insurance rates for younger men by an average of 97 to 99 percent, and for younger women by an average of 55 to 62 percent. Worst off is North Carolina, which will see individual-market rates triple for women, and quadruple for men.”

    Young men in Nebraska will see the largest increase in their premiums, up 279 percent, for the bronze level plan. Young women in Nebraska will also see the largest increase, up 227 percent.

    The two big charts in the link is quite revealing.

    • Mike D says:

      The coverage under Obamacare is pretty bad. Way worse than I was expecting. I had actually expected it would be competitive, but it is worse than what is available in the open market from the same companies directly. (At least in California) Also since a limited number of companies participate, there are more options available outside the exchange.

      Since the phased in benefits had almost doubled my premiums, I went to check if there were lower priced options available. And there are, but they are much worse than what I can get simply by going straight to those company’s own websites. Yet I can get cheaper and better coverage, again directly.

      The insurers have clearly factored in the fact that a higher share of people getting into the exchanges will be those who want it the most. Namely those who use healthcare more than average. Even those who get full subsidies will have large deductibles they will have to pay.

      It is pretty clear this wasn’t designed to be great coverage. The next step will be full subsidies for the deductible as well as the premiums. Which will then be so expensive, they’ll try to go to single payer.

  2. D. Self says:

    Hell, I was just notified my premium is going up 210% starting January 1st. Damn all Liberals!

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