1975 Shock News : Global Cooling And Increasing Arctic Ice Causes Tornadoes And Droughts

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Scientists are much smarter now, and know that tornadoes, droughts and increasing Arctic ice are all caused by declining Arctic ice.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to 1975 Shock News : Global Cooling And Increasing Arctic Ice Causes Tornadoes And Droughts

  1. ed says:

    Thanks now I understand why all the orange groves froze out in 1980 and 81 here in central florida. It was the mini-ice age caused by global warming and increasing CO2 production. If you believe any of this BS you have to be as dumb as a Gore.

  2. Hurricanes are caused in declining arctic ice and increasing antarctic ice because hurricanes go clockwise in the northern hemisphere.

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