Global Cooling Scare Begins Right On Schedule

ScreenHunter_1673 Oct. 20 00.23

Frank Wilson: Cold spell near? Geologist digs deeper on climate change | Opinion – Rhode Islanders speak out on issues | Providence Journal

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Global Cooling Scare Begins Right On Schedule

  1. Bob Knows says:

    “Global Cooling is caused by global warming. Its getting so hot that we are going to have another ice age. We all need to stop using carbon before global warming causes an ice age and we all freeze.” I heard that from a libtard true believer.

  2. I think the best way to shut the warmers up is to fabricate a cooling scare. It doesn’t have to be true or even have any contrived evidence to back it up, it just has to be alarmist.

  3. gator69 says:

    The leftists will still blame man.

  4. This link is fantastic:

    He really has a great set of charts, starting with a hockey stick chart and zooming out to show how little the hockey stick gets when you go back a few thousand years. It’s great. It looks like our beloved hockey stick is just bringing us up to interglacial average temperatures.

    • X says:

      I liked the phrase
      “Rises not only as high, but as rapid, as the current hockey stick blade have been the rule, not the exception.”
      If we don’t understand that we don’t understand climate. It not only oscillates, but it has periods of sharp variation for colder or warmer levels.
      These are “step changes” that show the direction the entire climate will take after the sharp variation occurs.
      It’s obvious that the warmists have not understood this part yet.

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