Shock News : Tony Abbott Does Not Control The Climate

ScreenHunter_1705 Oct. 21 07.16

ScreenHunter_1706 Oct. 21 07.17

Twitter / AGW_Prof: Australian wildfires put heat …

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Shock News : Tony Abbott Does Not Control The Climate

  1. Andy Oz says:

    Scott Mandia, the Vapid Responder in action. What a putz!!
    NSW Police have already arrested 6 children for starting 5 separate bushfires.
    CAGW made them do it? Scott? you’re FOS and Tony should sue your ass for defamation. Tony Abbott is the antichrist for the alarmists because he is repealing the Australian carbon tax thank god. It makes alarmists even more alarmed. LOL

  2. Justa Joe says:

    At long last have the warmists no shame?

    • Ernest Bush says:

      All the Alarmists and their Warmist shills have is The Agenda and they will roll in dog crap to support it. They gave away their shame, common sense, and the ability to reason a long time ago. They surely don’t care about humanity given the amount of harm and misery they have brought to untold millions with all their false claims. So I guess that many of them have given that away, too, in support of The Agenda.

  3. Stewart Pid says:

    Hey … u folks will like this one from Bloomberg: Prime Minister Tony Abbott, a regular volunteer with his local Rural Fire Service brigade, did a 14-hour night shift at the weekend in the Blue Mountains to help with backburning, his office said in an e-mailed statement.
    I wonder why he didn’t go golfing on his day off like someone we all know?

  4. tom0mason says:

    What is forgotten is that this fire is in an area that has had major fires before. And yes they have had a fire this big in living memory, about 30 years ago.

  5. amoorhouse says:

    Having lived in Canberra for several years a while ago I can testify to the various regions you cross when driving to Sydney that were in various stages of fire recovery. Black changes to grey and finally to shades of green. However it has got worse due to green controlled councils stopping back burning and firebreak clearing over the past few years.

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