True Love Just Won’t Be Denied

ScreenHunter_1724 Oct. 21 17.48

ScreenHunter_1725 Oct. 21 17.48

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to True Love Just Won’t Be Denied

  1. Okie says:

    He waddled away from that issue as fast as he possibly could. Expect a party affiliation change reasonably soon.

  2. bkivey says:

    My opinion of Chris Christie has evolved.

  3. I. Lou Minotti says:

    The King who wished he was able to be unclothed lavishing his love on America’s King Canute, powerful enough to roll back the seas. Welcome to liberal idiocy 101. Here’s a better photo, with Christie being comforted by King Canute for not wearing his high-heels and mesh stockings–
    Caption: “It’s OK, Chrissie, we’ll hook up later, I’ll bring the smoke, you bring the donuts, but don’t tell Michelle, K?” Look at those loving eyes–from a former federal prosecutor, no less!

  4. tom0mason says:

    Aren’t they planning a cycling holiday together?

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