Obama’s Sweat Saved The Climate

ScreenHunter_1770 Oct. 23 10.14

Obama had to wait until late June to find a normally hot day in DC, then quickly announced an outdoor speech about bypassing Congress to save the planet. He combined a third-rate acting job with some brilliant comments about how flat-earther’s evil thoughts were destroying the climate.

Since his speech, the US has had the fewest hurricanes and tornadoes on record, a record corn crop, and Virginia had its fewest number of 90 degree days on record.

Good thing it never gets hot in Kenya. Now he is doing for health care what he did for the climate – or perhaps not.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to Obama’s Sweat Saved The Climate

  1. Pathway says:

    All hale the Little Dictator.

  2. tom0mason says:

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