Idiot California Cops Can’t Tell The Difference Between A Plastic Airsoft Rifle And Real One

the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

Unless you live in California, where the police kill children for carrying a plastic toys.

“He (the cop) has quite a bit of experience with this kind of weapon. He’s aware of the kind of damage these kinds of weapons can do,” Henry said. He also was aware such a weapon can fire ammunition that “can penetrate his body armor, can penetrate the metal of his vehicle, and also the sides of houses and buildings in the area.”

Airsoft pellets can penetrate body armor?

ScreenHunter_1792 Oct. 23 22.41

Authorities investigate fatal deputy-involving shooting of 13-year-old Santa Rosa boy | The Press Democrat

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to Idiot California Cops Can’t Tell The Difference Between A Plastic Airsoft Rifle And Real One

  1. Blade says:

    Idiot California Cops Can’t Tell The Difference Between A Plastic Airsoft Rifle And Real One

    This is justifiable because the cops must do whatever it takes to make it home each night unharmed. /SARC

    Seriously, if anyone should be disarmed it is any government official that interfaces with the public, ever. Let them have tasers and body armor.

    We need an Amendment that disarms non-military government personnel at all levels ensuring that the people will always be better armed which will keep government subservient to the people.

  2. Bob Knows says:

    The young man’s right to own and bear arms was violated with great prejudice. The murdering pig should be hanged on the public square to restore justice.

  3. Bob Knows says:

    It doesn’t matter that it wasn’t a real weapon. Americans have a right to own and bear arms. The pigshit who murder people are NOT justified by showing that the citizen was armed. The pigshit is a criminal violating the rights of the people and a murderer. Two reasons why he should be hanged a high noon tomorrow.

    • gator69 says:

      Exactly right. And how is it that our troops, who are in a war zone, have greater restrictions on use of deadly force? It is time to take our streets back from all thugs.

  4. Bernd Palmer says:

    Shoot a kid playing with a plastic toy freely and legally available in every toy shop. Imagine they shot your kid for nothing.
    Cops who shoot before even trying to evaluate the situation … who has hired and trained them?

  5. I know what my mom and dad would have said to me about such a toy gun–“Stay in the yard with that; don’t go running around the neighborhood with it, it looks too real, somebody is likely to shoot you without bothering to ask questions first.”

  6. As one of the largest airsoft retailers, we’ve started a fund raiser for Anthony Lopez and to bring awareness to proper gun safety and handling.

    You can read all the details here:

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