Global Warming To Bring A Repeat Of Below 350 PPM Storms In The UK

Now that CO2 has reached 400 PPM, the UK is forecast to have storms not seen since CO2 was below 350 PPM. This is 97% proof that CO2 is wrecking the climate.

ScreenHunter_1861 Oct. 25 23.08

Batten down hatches, says Michael Fish as 1987-scale storms predicted

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Global Warming To Bring A Repeat Of Below 350 PPM Storms In The UK

  1. planet8788 says:

    We need to start turning their skewed data/models back on them. It’s time to start asking… what would the world look like (what would the temperatures be now) if man had NOT dumped 300 gigatons of CO2 into the atmosphere…

    Clearly if CO2 has such an impact, we would have already been in an ice age…. NO?

  2. Sunsettommy says:

    Meanwhile they are getting excited over this:

    U.K. Is Warming Faster Than Global Average, LSE Study Shows


    The average annual temperature in the U.K. rose at a rate of 0.18 degree Celsius (0.32 degree Fahrenheit) per decade from 1950 through 2012, according to a paper e-mailed today by the London School of Economics. That’s 1 1/2 times the global average rate of increase of 0.12 degree per decade.

  3. Climatism says:

    C/o of The Guardian

    Public Health England is urging people to use their heating this winter in order to prevent some 24,000 deaths that occur each year as a result of cold weather. 
    So Much For Global Warming :

    But isn’t “Global Warming” the big killer?

    What progressive Australian Gov’s warn us of about global warming related deaths :  “Global Warming Deaths To Quadruple By 2050”

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