CNN Election Interference In 2012

“Clinton: Diplomat killed in Benghazi

By Maggie Michael
and Sarah el Deeb
Associated Press

CAIRO, Egypt — Protesters angered over a film that ridicules Islam fired gunshots and burned down the U.S. consulate in the eastern Libyan city of Ben- ghazi, killing one American diplomat, the State Department said. In Egypt, protesters scaled the walls of the U.S. embassy in Cairo and replaced an American flag with an Islamic banner.”

12 Sep 2012, Page A2 – Detroit Free Press at

Ahead of a presidential debate in 2012, CNN colluded with the White House cover up their lies about Benghazi. Later Hillary told Congress that their lies and cover-up didn’t make any difference.

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Immunology Expert Joe Biden

Apparently Joe Biden made bold claims about the efficacy of vaccines, based on no data.

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All Weather Is Climate Now

“Faced with a climate emergency, journalists should not keep reporting news the same old way. That’s the thinking behind a path-breaking innovation in climate journalism launched this March in France, where the national public broadcaster, France Télévisions, is dramatically changing how it reports on weather. And since weather is a staple of news coverage the world over, this is an innovation that journalists everywhere should know about.

Traditional weather reports are out at two of France’s main public TV channels. Instead, the France 2 and France 3 channels present a nightly “weather-and-climate journal,” complete with a sparkling new studio and a logo that joins the words meteo — French for weather report — and climat.

Viewers of these meteo climat journals still see plenty of maps dotted with temperature numbers and snazzy graphics depicting storm systems blowing in from the Atlantic. The on-air presenter, Anaïs Baydemir, still talks about how hot or cold it will be in Paris, Marseille, and other parts of the country, and how likely it is to rain. But the weather is now presented in the context of climate change; viewers hear about how the weather they are experiencing may be affected by the overheating of the planet.”

A Path-breaking Innovation in Climate Journalism — Covering Climate Now

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Climate Reparations

According to National Public Radio we are having the worst megadrought in 1,200 years here in the west. Wyoming is the least populous state, so we are victims of greenhouse gas emissions from California and New York. Climate justice demands that they pay us reparations.

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Man Made Climate Chaos

Kirye, Toki and Sakura bravely stepped out this morning to document what the press describes as “the worst drought in 1,200 years.”

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Someone Ate A Bat

COVID-19 apparently originated from US funded gain-of-function research in Wuhan, so the official story became “someone ate a bat.

“According to multiple U.S. government officials interviewed as part of a lengthy investigation by Public and Racket, the first people infected by the virus, “patients zero,” included Ben Hu, a researcher who led the WIV’s “gain-of-function” research on SARS-like coronaviruses, which increases the infectiousness of viruses.”

10:46 AM · Jun 13, 2023

Three years ago the scientific consensus agreed  COVID-19 came from someone eating a bat at a wet market in Wuhan.

01 May 2020, A12 – The Morning Call at

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Down Is Up

“An analysis by AccuWeather meteorologists and scientists shows that while the overall intensity of hurricane seasons appears to be trending downward, the storms that gain hurricane strength have been growing stronger.”

‘Monster’ Hurricanes Keep Getting Even Stronger, Analysis Shows

Meanwhile back in the real world major hurricane frequency has sharply declined over the last thirty years.


Global Tropical Cyclone Activity | Ryan Maue

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Climate Fakery Part 1

The first of a series showing how the New York Times and other press sources misinform their readers about climate.

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600 Billion Tons Of New Snow

The surface of the Greenland ice sheet has gained almost 600 billion tons of new snow since September 1, 2022. The gain has been above the 1981-2010 average during five of the last seven years.

Surface Conditions: Polar Portal

ABC News says :

“Greenland Ice Sheet melting faster than previously thought, scientists say”

Greenland Ice Sheet melting faster than previously thought, scientists say – ABC News

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Tulsi Gabbard : “We must stop this insanity before it’s too late.”

“Today’s Dem Party, MSM, & ‘woke’ activists are undermining families, stripping away parental rights, sexualizing our kids, mutilating/poisoning kids with “gender-affirming care,” and normalizing pedophilia and infanticide. We must stop this insanity before it’s too late.”

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