Red Hot Germany

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President Eisenhower’s Warning

On January 17, 1961 President Eisenhower warned about the grave dangers of the Military Industrial Complex and the government’s takeover of science.

Now we have Joe Biden in the White House

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Rewriting The Arctic

Arctic ice loss prior to the 1950s has been erased.

What do we know about Arctic sea ice trends? – Global Warming Solved

“Lansing State Journal
10 Mar 1955, Thu – Page 39

Ice Melts In Arctic

Earth Becoming Warmer, Says Explorer; Oceans May Rise 100 Feet

BOSTON, March 10 (INS)—A famed Arctic explorer reported to- day the world is getting warmer— but ‘that’s not an unmixed blessing.

Adm. Donald MacMillan, an 80- year-old veteran of 30 trips to the Arctic, said the huge areas of ice in the far north are melting, bringing warmer weather. But he added that the process may also bring a flooding threat to some parts of eastern seaboard cities.

MacMillan explained in an exclusive interview:
“There are now six million square miles of ice in the Arctic. There once were 12,000,000 square miles. ‘

“Another thing, almost every glacier, with one exception, has retreated—going back into the hills— is smaller than it was.”

10 Mar 1955, Page 39 – Lansing State Journal at

The 1985 DOE Report showed that Arctic sea ice declined until the century low in the mid-1950s, and then started to increase again.

Projecting the climatic effects of increasing carbon dioxide 

The gain in ice during the 1960s and 1970s has also been erased.

Arctic sea ice “recovers” to its 6th-lowest extent in millennia

1990 IPCC Report

This chart combines the 1985 and 1990  graphs, and shows that government agencies now start their sea ice graphs in 1979 at the century maximum.

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Killing Cows To Save The Climate

“Government documents have revealed that dairy farmers may have to be paid €600 million to cull almost 200,000 cows so that Ireland can reach its emission targets”

200,000 cows need to be culled to reach climate targets |

Using sacrifice to control the climate is an idea which has been popular with governments for centuries.

Experts say meat is bad for the climate, but vegetables are even worse.

Lettuce Produces More Greenhouse Gas Emissions than Bacon Does – Scientific American

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My View Of The Climate Emergency

“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary.”

? H.L. Mencken 1918

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“Robert Kennedy is no Democrat!”

Sixty years ago, the Democrat party was the Kennedys – but they have since been taken over by the enemies of the Kennedys and the enemies of America.

6:35 PM · May 28, 2023

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Red Hot Arctic

Temperatures near the North Pole averaged around -20C during April which was close to the the 1958 to 2002 mean.

Ocean and Ice Services | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut

Global temperatures were 0.18C above the 1991 to 2020 average.

Global Temperature Report :: The University of Alabama in Huntsville

NASA says the North Pole and much of the rest of the world was red hot, and their fake maps are a key tool for propagandists.

11:29 PM · May 29, 2023

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Guardian Says America’s Fastest Growing County Is Unlivable

Maricopa County is the fastest growing county in the country.  The Guardian says it has become too hot to live there because a one part per ten thousand increase in atmospheric CO2 over the past century.

America’s hottest city is nearly unlivable in summer. Can cooling technologies save it? | Climate crisis in the American west | The Guardian

Maricopa County Leads the Nation in Growth – Connect CRE

Phoenix set their all-time record of 18 consecutive days above 110F in 1974, my freshman year at ASU.  That was the peak year of the ice age scare.

30 Jun 1974, Page 31 – Arizona Republic at

TIME Magazine Archive Article — Another Ice Age? — Jun. 24, 1974

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Basra To Drown In Seven Years

The press says Basra, Iraq “could be underwater” by 2030.

15 Cities That Could Be Underwater By 2030

According to Google Earth imagery, there has been no visible change since 1994 along the coastline around Basra, which is located on the delta of the Shatt al-Arab River.

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The Mississippi River Flood Of 1912


In April and May, 1912, the Mississippi reached a height never before equaled, and the great river went tearing through levee after levee on its resolute course to the sea. ‘The river reached a maximum width of sixty miles, killed 1,000 persons, rendered 30,000 homeless, and caused damage to the amount of $50,000,000.

By April 2d, Columbus, Missouri, was buried under fifteen feet of water, and in some parts of the town residences were wholly submerged. New Madrid was not much better off, and Hickman, Kentucky, looked like a small city of Venice. President Taft sent a hurry call to Congress for half a million dollars, and within fifteen minutes after his message was read, the lower house had passed an appropriation bill and sent it to the Senate, which laid everything else aside to give it right of way. By April 5th, the Reelfoot Lake district, covering 150 square miles of Kentucky farm land, was an inland lake and the river at Cairo, Illinois, had risen to nearly fifty-four feet, the average depth from St. Louis to New Orleans being ordinarily but nine feet. Cairo was for days surrounded by the torrents from the Ohio and the Mississippi beating at the levees, while to the north of the city factory buildings were immersed to their roofs or even entirely covered. By April 7th, the levee in Arkansas, seven miles south of Memphis, had a gap a mile long and Lake County, Tennessee, had no ground above water but a strip six miles long by four wide. By the middle of the month, the levees at Panther Forest, Arkansas; Alsatia, Louisiana; and Roosevelt, Louisiana, had succumbed, and a thousand square miles of fertile plantations were from five to seven feet under water.”

The True Story of Our National Calamity of Flood, Fire and Tornado … – Google Books

08 May 1912, Page 1 – East Oregonian at

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