Elon Musk Vs. The Press

3:36 AM · Dec 3, 2022

9:35 PM · Dec 3, 2022

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“Peaceful Protests”

On the day of President Trump’s inauguration in 2017, there were riots which injured six policeman and left one person in critical condition with a gunshot wound. Madonna addressed the crowd in Washington DC and talked about blowing up the White House. CNN described the riots as “peaceful protests.”

Inauguration protests: Police injured, more than 200 arrested | CNN Politics

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Four Weeks Left For Fossil Fuels

Greta’s ancestor Arrhenius predicted the world would run out of fossil fuels by the year 2023. If he is correct, Greta won’t have to worry about global warming anymore.

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Chris Wallace Election Interference

During the September 29, 2020 presidential debate, Fox News moderator Chris Wallace shut down discussion of Hunter Biden, changed the subject, and then argued with President Trump about “climate change.”

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Important Climate Anniversaries

Fifty years ago today scientists warned of glacial temperatures in about a century. One hundred years ago today, scientists said the Arctic was rapidly melting.

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Oxford Banning Private Cars To Save The Climate

“help tackle climate change, reduce local air pollution and improve the health and wellbeing of our communities.”

Traffic filters | Oxfordshire County Council

When I was a child I lived for a year in North Hinksey near one of those “traffic filters.”  At the time it was part of Berkshire and was later annexed into Oxfordshire. I frequently walked along a roman road into downtown Oxford, and sometimes took the bus. The traffic in Oxford now is unmanageable.

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A Week Without Sun And Wind

Where will our electricity come from in this weather?

12/03/2022 – Germany has been in the dark doldrums for a week: no sun, hardly any wind! In some cases, the share of solar and wind systems in electricity production was less than ten percent. Typical winter weather. The result: the coal and nuclear reactors are running at full speed. According to the network agency, conventional power plants have generated 82 percent of German electricity over the past four days.”

Keine Sonne, kaum Wind: Woher kommt bei diesem Wetter unser Strom? | Politik | BILD.de

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CNN Technical Director Bragging About Election Interference

Charlie Chester said CNN got President Trump removed from office. “Our next thing is climate change”

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Latest From The Climate Debate

After I posted a quote from the National Academy of Sciences, “climate scientist” David Ho blocked me.

10:34 AM · Dec 3, 2022

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“Exxon Knew”

Climate alarmists believe oil companies have been engaged in a 45 year long conspiracy to destroy the climate – in exchange for money. Climate alarmists also like to accuse others of being “conspiracy theorists”

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