Record Breaking Idiocy

More evidence that “climate journalists” don’t understand primary school level science.

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Another Cheney Family Accomplishment

“How Dick Cheney created Anthony Fauci”

How Dick Cheney created Anthony Fauci – UnHerd

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Mandatory Climate Propaganda In New Jersey

“this fall, New Jersey will become the first state in the nation where all public schools are supposed to teach climate change as part of their curriculum, and that’s for all grade levels. The new standards aim to help students understand the causes of climate change and its impacts, but also what students can do to address it”

Public school teachers in New Jersey add climate change to curriculum : NPR

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“dubious Biden laptop story”

“Facebook moves to limit spread of dubious Biden laptop story”

Facebook moves to limit spread of dubious Hunter Biden laptop story | Fortune

This is part of our standard process to reduce the spread of misinformation.”

11:00 AM · Oct 14, 2020

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Pelosi 2021 – Biden Can’t Forgive Student Loans

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Record Heat Of August 29, 1948

On August 29, 1948 almost the entire country was over 90F, and there were 100 degree temperatures from coast to coast.

California 119,Arizona 115

North Carolina 106, Utah 106, Georgia 104, Nebraska 104, Nevada 104, South Dakota 104, South Carolina 103, Wyoming 103, Alabama 101, Kentucky 101, New Mexico 101, Idaho 100, Louisiana 100, Mississippi 100, Montana 100, Pennsylvania 100, Tennessee 100, Virginia 100, West Virginia 100

Delaware 99, Illinois 99, Iowa 99, Kansas 99, Maryland 99, Texas 99, Colorado 98, Indiana 98, Missouri 98, New Jersey 98, New York 98, Ohio 98, Oklahoma 98, Arkansas 97, Florida 97, Oregon 97, New Hampshire 96, Michigan 95, Rhode Island 95, Wisconsin 95, Maine 94, Massachusetts 94, Minnesota 92, North Dakota 92, Washington 91

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More Than Twice As Fake As The Previous Model

“A massive ice sheet in Greenland is set to raise global sea levels by nearly a foot by 2100, in a melting event driven by human-caused climate change, according to a study published on Monday.”

Greenland ice loss will raise sea levels by nearly one foot: study

Over the past twelve months, Greenland’s surface gained more ice than the 1981-2010 average for the fourth time in the last six years.

Surface Conditions: Polar Portal

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Facebook Fact Checkers

Facebook “fact checkers” censor factual information – while promoting disinformation.

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Worst Ethics Drought In 1,200 Years

The press, social media, academia and the left in general are suffering the worst lapse in veracity, integrity and coherent thinking skills for at least a millennium.

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Progress In Britain Since 1851

In 1851, Britain built the Crystal Palace for the Great Exhibition.  The building was 560 meters long with about 100,000 exhibits from all over the world showing the latest in manufacturing technology.

That same year was one of the worst fires in Australia’s history – with most of Victoria burned in just a few hours.


PROBABLY one of the most terrible days of which there is any record in Australian annals was Thursday, the 6th of February, 1851, commonly known as Black Thursday. But a small proportion of our present colonists have any recollection of that day, as our total population then only amounted to about 70,000 souls, against the 350,000 of to-day. But such of their number as have access to files of the newspaper published at the time, would do well to turn them over, and, as a warning for the future, glance at the narrative of the disasters of that dreadful day.

We find it recorded that as early as seven or eight o’clock in the morning, the thermometer stood at 117° in the shade. At mid-day it sank to 109°, but in the afternoon it rose again, and at four o’clock was 113°. Monday last was about the hottest day of the present season ; yet the thermometer did not stand above 95° in the shade. Our readers who felt inconvenienced by the increase of heat between that and the usual 70° or 75° will have some difficulty in imagining the sensations produced by a still further rise of 20°. The intense heat of Black Thursday was not it’s only peculiarity. From early morning it was accompanied by a hot wind, almost of the strength of a hurricane, and throughout the day the surface of the country was exposed to the full power of it’s withering influence. Bush-fires raged across hundreds of miles of country, sweeping along with almost the rapidity of lightning, and destroying, nearly instantaneously, men, women, and children, crops and homesteads, fences and gardens, and vast quantities of cattle, sheep, horses, pigs, and fowls. From the whole land arose a cry of utter desolation.

17 Jan 1857 – BLACK THURSDAY. – Trove

Now in the year 2022, the British Government is afraid of industry – believing it causes bad weather. Instead they cut down forests to build giant bird choppers.

14m trees have been cut down in Scotland to make way for wind farms | HeraldScotland

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