“Impossible Heatwaves”

“At least 24 previously impossible heatwaves have struck communities across the planet, a new assessment has shown, providing stark evidence of how severely human-caused global heating is supercharging extreme weather.”

Climate crisis to blame for dozens of ‘impossible’ heatwaves, studies reveal | Climate crisis | The Guardian

Jul 18, 1852, page 7 – The Observer at Newspapers.com


Temperature Changes in the United States – Climate Science Special Report

Data from the EPA shows the same thing.

Climate Change Indicators: High and Low Temperatures | Climate Change Indicators in the United States | US EPA

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Billion Dollar Electric Chargers

The Kamala Harris White House confiscated $7.5 billion from taxpayers to build seven EV chargers.

The US planned to install thousands of EV chargers. Only 7 have been built. – The Washington Post

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“Not A Mandate”

Two weeks after the election, Democrats continue to manufacture votes, and say that President Trump does not have a mandate with 50% of the total. The left’s definition of mandate seems to be quite flexible.  Bill Clinton said he had a mandate with 43% of the vote. UK Labour say they won a mandate with less than 34% of the vote, and Trudeau says he won a mandate with less than 33% of the Canadian vote.

(13) Richard Stengel on X: “Trump has fallen below 50% in the popular vote. His margin of victory (pop vote + electoral college) is the third smallest since 1888. (Only JFK in ’60 and Nixon in ’68 were smaller.) If 238k votes in the blue wall states had been different, he would have lost. Not a mandate.” / X

1992 United States presidential election – Wikipedia

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Up Is Down

Crop yields have more than doubled since 1961.  The press reports this as a 21% decline.

“between 1961 and 2021, climate change reduced global agricultural yield by 21%.”

How agriculture is exacerbating global warming | S&P Global Commodity Insights

Crop Yields – Our World in Data

During the 1960s millions of people were dying in Asia from famine, and US academics said the world would run out of food by 1975.

17 Nov 1967, Page 9 – The Salt Lake Tribune at Newspapers.com

Aug 03, 1962, page 4 – The Winchester Sun at Newspapers.com

Feb 19, 1966, page 7 – The News-Messenger at Newspapers.com

“Carbon Dioxide Fertilization Greening Earth, Study Finds”

Carbon Dioxide Fertilization Greening Earth, Study Finds – NASA

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The Clean Energy Boom

Since Joe Biden and Kamala Harris occupied the White House in January 2021, the value of “clean energy” investments has plummeted by almost two-thirds.

ICLN – Google Search

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Climate Change In Spain

Spain has a long history of catastrophic flooding.  After the 1957 Valencia flood which had three-fourths of the city underwater, the Spanish government built a lot of dams for flood control.  But recently they have been tearing the dams down, and now blame flooding on “climate change.”

Spain affirming its place as the European leader in dam removal,

New DRE report reveals another record-breaking year for dam removal in Europe – Dam Removal Europe


Study of historical flood events on Spanish rivers using documentary data

“On October 14, 1957, Valencia, Spain, experienced a catastrophic flood when the Turia River overflowed, inundating much of the city. This disaster resulted in at least 81 fatalities and extensive property damage, with approximately 75% of the city’s streets submerged”

“Spain has a long history of dam building, particularly for flood control purposes. Here’s an overview of dam construction in Spain aimed at preventing floods”

“‘Climate change kills’: Spain faces new flood threat as leaders highlight extreme weather at COP29

It comes a fortnight after at least 220 people lost their lives in Valencia during Spain’s worst flooding in decades. And just days after Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez brought the region’s tragedy to the global stage during his speech at COP29.”

‘Climate change kills’: Spain faces new flood threat as leaders highlight extreme weather at COP29 | Euronews

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The Clock Is Ticking

During 2018, AOC said the world will end in 2030 – but she apparently wants to be president when that fateful date arrives.

(2) Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on X: “A lot of people want to bring Obama-era insiders back for party building purposes. While those folks ran successful presidential campaigns, they also oversaw some of the largest downballot losses in modern times. Party building is different. Look to people w/ recent successes.” / X

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“hottest weather in 120,000 years”

A look at the credibility of Michael Mann’s Hockey Stick graph.

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“Peace, Relief, And Recovery”

Building windmills will prevent wars and bad weather.

“COP29: Baku Call Launched On Climate Action For Peace, Relief, And Recovery”

News on AIR

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“Earth’s hottest weather in 120,000 years”

According to climate experts, earth’s temperature started rapidly overheating around the year 1910, and is now skyrocketing in a hockey stick.

Earth’s hottest weather in 120,000 years. It’s just getting started. | WFLA


Climate Change 2001: The Scientific Basis

For some reason, nobody noticed this hockey stick in the 1990 IPCC Report.


Keith Briffa didn’t notice it either in his 1998 temperature reconstruction.

Alleged CRU Emails – Searchable

NCAR didn’t notice the hockey stick in 1974.

“Droughts, floods, blizzards, tornadoes, typhoons and hurricanes have plagued much of the nation and the world in recent years. Most people considered these weather conditions to be abnormal and temporary, but instead, climatologists now believe that the first half of the Twentieth Century was blessed with unusually mild weather and that the global climate has begun returning to a harsher — but more normal — state.

For the long run, there is mounting evidence of a worldwide cooling trend. The average temperature of the world as a whole has dropped by one-third to one-half a degree Centigrade in the last 30 years. “The decline of prevailing temperatures since about 1945 appears to be the longest-continued downward trend since temperature records began,” says Professor Hubert H. Lamb of the University of East Anglia in Britain.

Global cooling may be at cause of the devastating African drought, now in its sixth year. Some scientists believe that expansion of the cold polar air caps pushed the monsoon rain belt southward, causing many of the life-giving rains to fall on already fertile lands or into the sea. Dry weather conditions also prevail in parts of India, China, Kenya, Bolivia and other countries on both sides of the equator, raising the specter of even more serious drought and famine.”

Jul 21, 1974, page 13 – The Des Moines Register at Newspapers.com

The National Academy Of Sciences didn’t notice the hockey stick in their 1974 report.

Understanding climatic change : United States Committee for the Global Atmospheric Research Program : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

During the Holocene Maximum, trees grew at much higher latitudes and altitudes, and the Arctic may have been ice-free.

Less Ice In Arctic Ocean 6000-7000 Years Ago — ScienceDaily


Holocene Treeline History and Climate Change Across Northern Eurasia – ScienceDirect

Melting Glacier Reveals Ancient Tree Stumps | Live Science

Pasterze releases a meter-long tree trunk after thousands of years – Spittal

“Changes in upper tree line in two areas in the White Mountains of California and the Alps of Switzerland and Austria. It shows that, broadly speaking, the tree line, and thus the temperature, has been falling for at least 3,000 years. The vertical red line marks 400 AD. From “Climate History and the Modern World” by H.H. Lamb.”

Holocene – History of Earth’s Climate


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