“1750, when general melting began”

“By 1879 naturist John Muir found that the ice had retreated 48 miles up the bay. By 1916 the Grand Pacific Glacier headed Tarr inlet 65 miles from Glacier Bay’s mouth.”

“The glaciers seen here today are remnants of a general ice advance- the Little Ice Age- that began about 4,000 years ago. This advance in no way approached the extent of continental glaciation during Pleistocene time. The Little Ice Age reached its maximum extent here about 1750, when general melting began.”

Informational Visitors Guide to Glacier Bay National Park: Facts, Lodging, Tips and More.

According to Michael Mann, glaciers melt during the coldest decades on record.


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Not A Science Agency

NASA chooses to ignore 540 million years of earth history, and instead promote superstitions about fossil fuels.

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Not A Science Agency

NASA predicts a 99% decline in corals at 2C warming, which could occur by 2050.

Vanishing Corals, Part One: NASA Data Helps Track Coral Reefs – Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet

The greatest expansion of ocean life (including the appearance of corals and shellfish) occurred 540 million years ago, with CO2 levels fifteen times higher than now and temperatures 15C warmer.

When life exploded

Global temperature and atmospheric CO2 over geological time (600 mya)…. | Download Scientific Diagram

The world’s largest coral reef has record amounts of coral

Highest coral cover in central, northern Reef in 36 years | AIMS

In 1954, the US blew up a hydrogen bomb at Bikini Island and raised water temperatures 99,000F.  Corals are thriving there now.

National Geographic News Photo Gallery: CCorals Flourish at ”Nuked” Atoll

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Podcast With Brian Sussman

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“South Carolina State Climatology Office”

The official temperature record for South Carolina of 113F on June 29, 2012 has zero credibility.  There were no other temperature readings in the area which were anywhere close to that.

South Carolina State Climatology Office

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Record Bad Thermometer Data

The official South Carolina record temperature was set at Columbia during 2012. The data from that thermometer is not even remotely credible.

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Record Bad Thermometer in South Carolina

The official record high temperature in South Carolina was set at Columbia on June 29, 2012.

Record Highest Temperatures by State

Temperatures at urban Columbia were 18 degrees hotter on June 29, 2012 than at nearby rural Sumter.

At Columbia, the average daily maximum temperature and frequency of hot days are rapidly increasing. while they are rapidly decreasing at Sumter.

Sumter used to be hotter than Columbia.

In the GHCN v4 database, the cooling at Sumter gets removed by adjustments.

In the USHCN database, the cooling trend in South Carolina gets turned into a warming trend.

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Tainted Blood

“Q79 Have you EVER had a Coronavirus (COVID19) vaccine?”

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Most East Coast Beaches Gone By 2020

In 1995, the New York Times predicted that most East Coast beaches would be gone by 2020.

Scientists Say Earth’s Warming Could Set Off Wide Disruptions – The New York Times

The exact opposite has happened.

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1925 Crash Of The Shenandoah

“Pride of Navy’s Airships Meets Disaster While on Its Way to Middle West


Caldwell, Ohio, Sept. 3, 1925—(A. P.)—The giant dirigible Shenandoah is no more. It went down in three pieces here early to-day and killed its commander, Lieut. Commander Zachary Lansdowne, and at least fourteen of the officers and men, making up her crew.

The airship struck a line squall—a variety of storm most feared by airmen—shortly after 5 o’clock this morning near this Noble county village, while traveling at an altitude of 4000 feet enroute from Lakehurst, N. J. to the West.There was no explosion, wee big ship simply met winds of a strength which it was unable to combat. After encountering the storm at the high altitude the ship headed heavenwards to an altitude of approximately 5,000 feet when it suddenly came down again and broke into three pieces. One piece, | 150 feet or more in length, fell in a field about, one and one half miles from Aya, ‘The control compartment in which were commander and navigating crew fell fifty feet away and the third section, 150 feet long, drifted through the air like a free balloon for twelve miles, landing neat Sharon;”

03 Sep 1925, Page 1 – Harrisburg Telegraph at Newspapers.com

Two days later was the hottest day on record in Alabama.

Wayback Machine

September 1925 brought the most severe drought on record to Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina and Tennessee.

psi-192509.gif (690×488)

On September 6, 1925 the average maximum temperature in Alabama was 106F

September 6 and 7, 1925 were the two hottest days in Tennessee.


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