Corrupting Uruguay

Uruguay is the only country in South America with good long term temperature coverage. Temperatures at Uruguay haven’t warmed much, so NOAA pollutes them with UHI affected thermometer readings from Buenos Aires.

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Celebrating Corruption

Science Magazine celebrating corruption in both science and the legal system.

Passion is not misconduct | Science

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Corrupting Uruguay

The long-term temperature record from Uruguay shows little warming, but homogenizing in UHI infected data from Buenos Aires, a strong warming trend is created.

According to NASA, some of the Buenos Aires UHI is removed in the GHCN V4 database by homogenization, but the in the actual database the UHI effect is made slightly worse.

Data.GISS: GISS Surface Temperature Analysis (v4)

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Saving The Climate With Hair

You can prevent bad weather by wearing this beautiful sweater.

As part of our research and development work, we often work with artists and designers to find new ways to utilise waste human hair. One… | Instagram

Dutch start-up Human Material Loop turns hair into sustainable clothing – The Washington Post

h/t Steve Milloy

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Poisoning The Climate Soup

The process of homogenization guarantees a fake warming trend. Instead of eliminating Urban Heat Island effects, it spreads them everywhere and corrupts high quality rural temperature data. It is the equivalent of poisoning the soup and then diluting it slightly.

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80 Foot Deep Ohio River

During the February, 1937 Ohio River flood, the water at Cincinnati was 80 feet deep.

05 Feb 1937, Page 9 – The Cincinnati Enquirer at

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The Climate Science Afterlife

Greta Thunberg on Twitter

“Top Climate Scientist: Humans Will Go Extinct if We Don’t Fix Climate Change by 2023”

“The chance that there will be any permanent ice left in the Arctic after 2022 is essentially zero,” Anderson said”

Top Climate Scientist: Humans Will Go Extinct if We Don’t Fix Climate Change by 2023

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Seven Degrees Of Fake Warming In Venezuela

NOAA creates seven degrees of fake warming at both stations in Guira, Venezuela via data tampering.

The appear to be homogenizing in airport data from PIARCO_INTL_AP, Trinidad and Tobago TDM00078970 and MATURIN, Venezuela VEM00080435.


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Fake Graphs And Maps

Climate alarmism is built on a foundation of fake and misleading graphs and maps, which are then further misinterpreted to push a political agenda that has nothing to do with reality.

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Very Talented NASA Scientists

NASA scientists can calculate the 1884 global temperature within 0.01C, and provide a very detailed map, despite having no data for most of the planet.

Global Temperature | Vital Signs – Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet

Data.GISS: GISS Surface Temperature Analysis (v4): Station Data

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