Shocking Heatwave In India

“February heat at 38°C is shocking. It’s a clear sign we need to act now to protect our planet and its people. Let’s push for sustainable solutions together!”

(10) Peter Dynes on X: “Heat waves are hitting India early, with a 38°C forecast already, and it is still only February! Climate change is driving an exponential rise in extreme heat exposure worldwide. Heat-related deaths for over-65s are up 85% from 2004—an incredible rise.” / X

India records temperatures over 38C during February about once every 2.5 years.  Southern India is close to the equator and the sun is nearly directly overhead this time of year.

Not surprisingly, Peter Dynes has me blocked.  He wouldn’t want facts to interfere with his red maps.

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“Antarctic Ice Cap Found Shrinking Toward Pole”

Tue, Jun 01, 1948 – Page 14

Antarctic Ice Cap Found Shrinking Toward Pole
OSLO, June 1 (UP).—A remarkable thinning out of the polar ice cap in the Antarctic is reported by a Norwegian expedition which found bare stretches of earth on an island thickly covered with ice only 20 years ago.”

Jun 01, 1948, page 14 – The Cincinnati Post at

Sixty years later Antarctica was beginning to melt due to global warming.

“”The Tribune Mon, Jan 14, 2008 – Page 5

Antarctica starts to feel the burn of global warming
Experts say the continent that holds about 90 percent of Earth’s ice is beginning to melt”

Jan 14, 2008, page 5 – The Tribune at

“Thu 21 Jul 1932 / Page 42

SOME great world change is taking place on the Antarctic Continent. Its glaciers are shrinking. Commander L. A. Bernacchi, who visited the South Polar land 30 years ago, says that the Great Ice Barrier which fronts the continent with a wall of ice for 250 miles has receded at least 30 miles since it was first seen and surveyed. Sir James Ross, who went out on the earliest Antarctic expedition of the nineteenth century, and those who followed him, left clear descriptions of this tremendous ice frontage and its position. It was a cliff 150ft. high and 1000ft. thick. But now it appears to be continuing its century-long process of shrinking; and that process may have been going on for centuries. “

21 Jul 1932 – A Warmer World. – Trove

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Communist West Germany

Having lived through communism, people in the former East Germany vote strongly against it – but people in West Germany apparently haven’t suffered enough yet to figure it out.

Live German election results and maps: Conservatives win, AfD achieves best finish yet

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Earth On Fire

The Guardian says the earth is on fire.

Two-thirds of the Earth’s surface experienced record heat in 2024. See where and by how much – visualised | Climate crisis | The Guardian

“Hottest January on record”

This is different from what they were saying fifty years ago.

“Space satellites show new Ice Age coming fast

snow and ice cover of the earth increased by 12 per cent during 1967-1972”

Jan 29, 1974, page 5 – The Guardian at

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Grok 3 Trusts The Government

The percent of days above freezing so far this year in the US has been 6th lowest on record, and lowest since the record cold year of 1979.

But Grok 3 won’t acknowledge the cold until it hears it from the government.

“Without finalized data for February 2025 (NOAA typically releases monthly summaries mid-March), we can’t confirm if the U.S. is experiencing record warmth this month.”

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NPR Climate Experts

On January 18, 2022, NPR predicted record low Great Lakes ice cover.  Two weeks later ice coverage was above average.

Great Lakes researchers predict record-low ice coverage – Great Lakes Now

Wayback Machine

Lake Erie ice cover now is close to 100%, which has only happened a few times in the past.

eri_ice_compare.png (1500×850)

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Defending Democracy In Ukraine

“President Volodymyr Zelenskyy unplugged three television networks overnight that he said spread Kremlin-funded “propaganda” and served as a bullhorn of an increasingly popular pro-Moscow party.”

5 Feb 2021

In risky move, Ukraine’s president bans pro-Russian media | Media News | Al Jazeera

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“Siberia might stay livable”

Grok 3, Elon Musk’s new politically neutral AI, says a few places on earth might remain livable after global warming.

Grok thinks we are getting too hot.

us_chill.gif (960×768)

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Deep Thinking From The Atlantic

The Atlantic says the virus caused people to lose “trust in scientific and political authorities” – rather than all the lies they told about the virus.

COVID Pushed a Generation of Young People to the Right – The Atlantic

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Making Up Fake Numbers At CBS News

CBS News says Rio de Janeiro was 111F on February 17, 2025.  The actual temperature was 95F, which was the hottest temperature of the month.

Rio de Janeiro recorded its hottest day in at least a decade when temperatures on Monday reached 44 degrees Celsius (111 degrees Fahrenheit) — about 145 degrees warmer than Bismarck, North Dakota — as residents flocked to the ocean to try to cool off.

Rio de Janeiro records its hottest day in at least a decade — about 145 degrees hotter than North Dakota – CBS News

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Weather Calendar | Weather Underground

h/t Bob G

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