Global Boiling Day 73

It has been 73 days since the United Nations announced that the world is boiling. My climate team continues to document the crisis.

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“Biden Restores Aid to Palestinians”

“Reversing Trump, Biden Restores Aid to Palestinians”

Reversing Trump, Biden Restores Aid to Palestinians – The New York Times

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Delusional About Many Topics

Michael Mann imagines he is a scientist, among other things.

4:24 PM · Oct 6, 2023

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100% Fake Climate Journalism

“In my studies of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better.”

– Theodore Dalrymple

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Climate Expert Francis

“It is no longer possible to doubt the human – “anthropic” – origin of climate change.”


“Laudate Deum”: Apostolic Exhortation to all people of good will on the climate crisis (4 October 2023) | Francis

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Recycling 500 Year Old Scams

Five hundred years ago experts predicted London was about to drown.  The same scam continues today.

Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions – Google Books

Climate change could flood London any time after 2030, warns expert – PMC

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Climate Scientists Conversing

“absolutely gobsmackingly bananas.”


2 PM · Oct 3, 2023

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“Yes, Antarctic sea ice is melting faster than ever before”

With temperatures well below freezing, the press says Antarctic sea ice is melting faster than ever before, and also is increasing.

“Yes, Antarctic sea ice is melting faster than ever before. According to the U.S. National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC), the accelerated effects of climate change are causing record-breaking levels of melting.”

Climate Reanalyzer

September Antarctic sea ice extent has been trending upwards for 45 years.

OSI SAF Sea Ice Index v2p2 |

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Prayers For Caesar

Caesar is in the hospital with kidney problems. We don’t have any information yet about cause or a prognosis. Your prayers are appreciated. Video from this weekend of the global boiling crisis.

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“wettest day on record”

Fox News says New York received record rain

“Friday’s deluge dropped 8.05 inches of rain at JFK Aiport, making it the wettest day on record, beating Hurricane Irene’s daily record set back on Aug. 14, 2011, the National Weather Service said. Widespread rain totals of 4 to 6 inches were New York City, Long Island and Hudson Valley, with locally higher amounts in excess of 7 inches of rain.

Parts of New York see wettest day on record as life-threatening flooding submerges subways, streets

On October 8, 1903 New York received 10.04 inches of rain.

“Horses Drowned in Brooklyn and Human Beings in Peril.”

TimesMachine: October 10, 1903 –

A few weeks earlier in 1903 was the only known hurricane to have made landfall in New Jersey.

1903 New Jersey hurricane – Wikipedia

Make no mistake, this is climate change.”

8:31 AM · Sep 29, 2023

7:40 AM · Sep 30, 2023

A search for “New York flooding” on eBay turns up lots of photos, including these.

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