Turn Out The Lights, The Party Is Over

Scientific American and Gavin Newsom say wind, water and solar are ready to power California, This judgment is based on a few hours in the middle of the afternoon on a cool day – during a spring with lots of snow melt coming down from the mountains.

On a hot September/October night there will be no solar, little wind, little hydroelectric and much higher demand.  How will people recharge their government mandated electric vehicles?

A Golden Age of Renewables Is Beginning, and California Is Leading the Way | Scientific American

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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12 Responses to Turn Out The Lights, The Party Is Over

  1. arn says:

    That’s like pretending that there will soon be eternal darkness in Vermont,because of the Solar eclipse 2 weeks ago.

    Anyways – those who thought Gavin Pelosi Newsome was done with destroying California ; it has just begun.

  2. Richard E Fritz says:

    here we are again- PEOPLE ONLY LISTEN when dying suffering or starving – they will buy into this crap until the end when all power is off in CA- ever watch the man on the street asking Rich folks in CA if illegals should be allowed into the USA- SURE THEY SAY – UNTIL the illegals take over their houses – like back in 1990s the stupid ocean view STUPID COWS didnt want the view cut off so the state or other could stop the erosion- NO THEY SAID – then their homes fell into ocean & they cry like little girls – fools – BUT MOST IMPORTANT Stay in CA

  3. Mac says:

    California is such a sad, sorry place now. I lived there 40 years ago. It was beautiful. However, the radical left Democrats got their meat hooks into the state in the 1990s, and promptly destroyed the place. Eight years of Schwarzenegger’s incompetence didn’t help, either. Every time a leftist brags about California, they always say the same thing: “fifth largest economy in the world.” They never mention the massive debt (2nd highest), the unfunded pensions, the sky-high taxes, the fourth-highest cost of living index, the sixth-highest violent crime rate, the out of control homeless problem, and the oppressive unconstitutional laws and regulations. Instead, California leftists continue to be obsessed with “green energy”.

    California is basically speeding down a dark highway with no headlights. It’s amazing to me that Californians have no idea what they’re headed for. California will be the first state ever to declare bankruptcy. It’s a third-world country, basically.

  4. jb says:

    Given the state of the dams in Calif (decrepit, always on the verge of breaking, etc.) I don’t think Gavin Mann should be lauding it as a reliable energy source at any time.

    • arn says:

      As they perpetuate the eternal drought in California
      they shouldn’t be allowed by law to use this as part of energy supply.

      They can not predict eternal darkness and then use solar panels as savior.

    • oeman50 says:

      And they want to knock down all the dams for the fish. No dam, no ‘lecky.

  5. Francis Barnett says:


    I also have a link to a long YT video where an energy industry insider was interviewed, spilling the beans on California importing power from states that use coal generation
    But it’s been removed.

  6. Rud Istvan says:

    Scientific American is neither scientific nor American anymore.

  7. Russell Cook says:

    How do you turn out the lights in America? Kill the coal plants, but you need the Feds to do that. Per last night’s report on the PBS NewsHour, (which I grudgingly added to my ongoing overall count of the times in which that news show did not permit ANY opposition rebuttal; it is #1,590: http://gelbspanfiles.com/?page_id=3834 ):

    “New EPA emissions rules could hasten retirement of coal-fired power plants”

    — NewsHour reporter Stephanie Sy: “Fossil fuel power plants account for more than one quarter of all greenhouse gas emissions in the U.S. The Biden administration is trying to crack down on the worst polluters, and that’s the remaining coal-powered plants, which emit the most carbon dioxide. The new EPA rules require coal plants to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions by 90 percent by 2039, or close. There are about 200 coal-burning power plants and operations in the U.S. And, last year, coal-fired plants generated a little over 16 percent of the nation’s electricity.” . . . . .

  8. Gamecock says:

    “Reality is an invention of the Right to confuse people.”

  9. James Snook says:

    “On a hot September/October night there will be no solar, little wind, little hydroelectric and much higher demand. How will people recharge their government mandated electric vehicles?” AND THE GRID SCALE BATTERIES!!

  10. Terry Shipman says:

    Gavin says to us, “It is our job to determine policy. It is YOUR job to implement policy.” So he is telling us that it is our fault if the policy doesn’t work. Funny, I never signed on to that.

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