Left Wing Hero Of 2014

The left loved Russell Brand until he figured out how awful the left is.

Heroes of 2014: Russell Brand | George Monbiot | The Guardian

Russell Brand was grilled by police in 2014 over claims he sexually assaulted masseuse

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Erasing The Hiatus

Ten years ago, the BBC reported that the global warming hiatus was central to the IPCC report.  Since then it has been completely erased.

Global warming pause ‘central’ to IPCC climate report – BBC News

Climate Change: Global Temperature | NOAA Climate.gov

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Journalism Past Its Final Decades

The Associated Press says the burning of fossil fuels has melted the Austrian Alps, and they have pictures to prove it.

In the warming Alps, Austria’s melting glaciers are in their final decades | AP News

They forgot to mention that most of the melting occurred before 1950.

National Geographic Magazine Archive

They also forgot to mention the glaciers were disappearing during the 19th century.

16 Aug 1902 – Alpine Glaciers Disappearing. – Trove

22 Oct 1903, 2 – The Newton Journal at Newspapers.com

Thirty-eight percent of cars were electric at that time.

38% Of American Cars Were Electric In 1900 – CleanTechnica

26 Jul 1905, Page 1 – The Topeka Daily Capital at Newspapers.com

28 Sep 1910 – RECEDING GLACIERS. – Trove

“It appears that, save over a small area, the glaciers of the world are retreating to the mountains. The Arapahoe glacier in the Rockies has been melting at a rapid rate for several years. The glacier on Mount Sarmiento in South America. ; which descended into the sea during the last century, is now separated from the shore by a vigorous growth of timber The Jacobshaven glacier in Greenland hat* retreated four miles since the year 1860, and the East glacier in Spitzbergen is more than a mile away from its old terminal moraine. In Scandinavia the s:now line is farther up the mountains, and the glaciers have withdrawn 3,000 feet from the lowlands in a century In the Eastern Alps and one or two other small districts the glaciers are growing.”

Sausalito News 30 November 1912 — California Digital Newspaper Collection

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Assessing Government Climate Agencies

Government temperature graphs can best be described as Policy Based Evidence Making.

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Rapidly Changing Climate

In 2016, Carl Mears at Remote Sensing Systems showed no warming for decades., and said models were wrong.

“Note that after 1998, the observations are likely to be below the simulated values, indicating that the simulation as a whole are predicting too much warming”

Climate Analysis | Remote Sensing Systems

He came under a lot of political pressure for telling the truth, so I predicted eight years ago that he would alter his data.

“Look for the satellite data to be adjusted to bring it into compliance with the fully fraudulent surface temperatures. The Guardian is now working to discredit UAH, so it seems likely that RSS will soon be making big changes – to match the needs of the climate mafia. Bookmark this post.”

Collusion Is Independence | Real Climate Science

That is exactly what he did.  He simply removed the error range and moved his temperatures up to the top of where the error range used to be.

Remote Sensing Systems

Here was my original blog post

———————————————————————————————————–Collusion Is Independence | Real Climate Science

One of the biggest scams alarmists are trying to pull is the claim that the surface data sets are independent, and they all show the same thing. Carl Mears used that as an excuse to ignore his own satellite data – which shows no warming for 19 years.

ScreenHunter_8119 Mar. 26 06.12

There is nothing independent about the data sets. GISS uses the same adjusted GHCN data as NCDC. But it is worse than it seems.

HadCrut didn’t used to agree with GISS, and they were upset about it – so they changed HadCrut to make it match GHCN.

ScreenHunter_8148 Mar. 27 08.38RealClimate: Mind the Gap!

The data sets have been carefully and repeatedly tampered with to bring them to their current fully fraudulent state.

ScreenHunter_8150 Mar. 27 08.50


They have almost completely eliminated the 1940 to 1970 cooling.

But it is worse than it seems. In 1999, Hansen lamented that the US data set didn’t show any warming. So he and NCDC got together and changed the US data set.


And in 2008, Real Climate said that the HadCrut decadal pause was too short. RSS is up to 19 years, so they simply ignore it.

Enron accountants would blush at these tactics.

Look for the satellite data to be adjusted to bring it into compliance with the fully fraudulent surface temperatures. The Guardian is now working to discredit UAH, so it seems likely that RSS will soon be making big changes – to match the needs of the climate mafia. Bookmark this post.


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100 Fifteen Minute Cities

Mayors using the climate scam to enslave their citizens.

About C40 – C40 Cities

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The World Began In 1981

The Washington Post hiding all temperature data from before 1981 which wrecks their story.

Perspective | How dream of air conditioning turned into dark future of climate change – Washington Post

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Some Carbon Is More Equal

“The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive.”
– Donald Trump November 6, 2012

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Dangerous Assault Rifle

Last year, Remington settled for $73 million with Sandy Hook families.

“The settlement comes over seven years after the families sued the maker of the Bushmaster XM15-E2S semiautomatic rifle that was used in the 2012 mass shooting in Newtown, Connecticut.”

Sandy Hook families settle with Remington, marking 1st time gun-maker held liable for mass shooting – ABC News

On the day of the shooting, law enforcement said the shooting was done with handguns, and the rifle was left in the trunk of the car in the parking lot.

“The two pistols were found inside the school and a .223-caliber Bushmaster rifle was found in the back of his mother’s car in the parking lot.”

15 Dec 2012, 7 – Daily News at Newspapers.com

“Four handguns, and apparently only handguns, were taken into the school.”

15 Dec 2012, 4 – Dayton Daily News at Newspapers.com

15 Dec 2012, Page 18 – The Los Angeles Times at Newspapers.com

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Climate Expert Zelensky

Following in the footsteps of Leo DiCaprio and Greta Thunberg, the UN has a new climate expert – Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

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