“Right Wing Conspiracy Theory”

NPR and the UN have been promoting getting rid of beef and eating insects for at least a decade, and the also say it is “right wing conspiracy theory.

How “I will not eat the bugs” attacks Davos and leverages xenophobic tropes : Code Switch : NPR

Maybe It’s Time To Swap Burgers For Bugs, Says U.N. : The Salt : NPR

At Bug-Eating Festival, Kids Crunch Down On The Food Of The Future : The Salt : NPR

Your Ancestors Probably Ate Insects. So What’s Bugging You? : The Salt : NPR

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PBS Promoting Mental Illness

“we view distress, upset, sadness, grief, anger about climate change to be a really reasonable, even healthy reaction”

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“If a Cactus Can’t Survive This, Neither Can You”

Jessica Wildfire posted a picture showing dozens of very healthy looking cactus near the Superstition Mountains east of Phoenix, as evidence that Arizona is too hot for cactus to survive.

If a Cactus Can’t Survive This, Neither Can You

Maricopa County is the fastest growing county in the US.

Growth in the Nation’s Largest Counties Rebounds in 2022

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Slower Is The New Faster

The US Gulf Coast is sinking and the water is rising slower than predicted.  The Washington Post describes this as “much faster than predicted.”

“Sea levels along the U.S. Gulf Coast are rising much faster than predicted. “

Louisiana’s sea level rises, taking swamps and hurricane protection with it – Washington Post

Sea Level Trends – NOAA Tides & Currents

NOAA didn’t like the failure of the their post-2000 divergence projections, so they erased them and started over in 2020 with some new worthless predictions..

Sea Level Trends – NOAA Tides & Currents

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Net-Zero Opera

“How opera is aiming for net zero amid worsening climate change”

The climate emergency in the picture looks very serious.

How opera is aiming for net zero amid worsening climate change – BBC Culture

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$1.3 Trillion Accounting Error

“Penn Wharton initially thought it (Inflation Reduction Act)  would reduce the national debt by about $264 billion over the 10-year budget window. That’s because some provisions cost money while others saved money, with the net effect being a modest savings to taxpayers. But Penn Wharton now thinks the IRA will add about $1 trillion to the debt, for a net swing of nearly $1.3 trillion out of the federal purse.”

Biden’s green energy law is turning out to be huge

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74% Of Democrats Approve Of Biden’s Climate Policies

After eleven years in the White House doing nothing to slow the growth of atmospheric CO2, most Democrats believe Joe Biden has done a good job combatting “harmful emissions.

Many disapprove of Biden’s handling of climate, Post-UMD poll finds – The Washington Post

Global Monitoring Laboratory – Carbon Cycle Greenhouse Gases

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Melting At -30C

The Economist believes Antarctica is melting in mid-winter at temperatures far below freezing.

“The extent of newly exposed ocean is the size of Argentina”

The rapid loss of Antarctic sea ice brings grim scenarios into view

Climate Reanalyzer

Temperatures in Antarctica are almost 3C below the 1979-2000 average.

Climate Reanalyzer

Winter Antarctic sea ice has been trending upwards for 45 years.

osisaf_sh_sie_monthly-all.png (1282×954)

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Climate Fakery Part 21

After decades of failed apocalypse predictions, the perpetrators of the climate scam are becoming increasingly ridiculous with their propaganda.

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“You can’t escape the orange”

The New York Times says the burning of fossil fuels has ruined summer vacation and they know this because of orange temperature maps.

Summer Travel and Climate Change: Will Vacation Be a Thing of the Past? – The New York Times

US burn acreage so far this year is the lowest on record, and percentage of the US to have reached 95F (35C) is tied with 2014 as a record low.

Orange on the maps is 64F and red hot is 72F

10-Day Temperature Outlook for the Conterminous U.S.

Here in Wyoming we are having, the coolest, wettest summer in memory.

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