Climate Fakery Part 19

NOAA and NASA have altered the US temperature data to turn a long-term cooling trend into a warming trend. In this video I explain the data tampering being done to hide the decline in US temperatures.

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Unprecedented Fake News

The usual perpetrators of the climate scam are claiming unprecedented ocean temperatures for a thermometer reading which was neither in the ocean nor unusual for that location.

10:30 AM · Jul 31, 2023

Florida ocean records ‘unprecedented’ temperatures similar to a hot tub | Florida | The Guardian

“It’s not even the record for Manatee Bay, the observing site where the data came from, said David Zierden, state climatologist at the Florida Climate Center in Tallahassee.

“I would not consider them a “sea surface temperature,” as that implies open ocean.”

Record water temperatures in Florida not unprecedented

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Drilling To Net Zero

“The UK government said Monday it would issue “hundreds” of new oil and gas licences in the North Sea to secure energy reserves while still aiming for net zero carbon emissions by 2050.”

UK to issue ‘hundreds’ of new oil, gas licences in North Sea

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Climate Fakery Part 18

NASA climate scientist Peter Kalmus says Biden should declare a “climate emergency.” He is using the good reputation of NASA to spread misinformation and baseless hysteria.

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Hot Summers From The Past

The percent of USHCN stations to have reached 100F so far this year (25%) is sixth lowest on record. Average since 1895 is 43%.

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NASA : Biden Must Declare A Climate Emergency

During the 2020 election campaign, Joe Biden guaranteed he would end fossil fuels.

NASA climate scientist Peter Kalmus says that unless Joe Biden ends fossil fuels, he will continue to suffer bottomless grief.

Joe Biden must declare a climate emergency. And he must do so now | Peter Kalmus | The Guardian

Forest fire burn acreage in the US is at historically low levels, down more than 99% since pre-industrial times.

National Fire News | National Interagency Fire Center

“In the conterminous United States during the preindustrial period (1500- 1800), an average of 145 million acres burned annually. Today only 14 million acres (federal and non-federal) are burned annually by wildland fire from all ignition sources.”

Wayback Machine

The percent of the US to have reached 95F (35C) so far this year is at a record low.

The summer of 1936 was much hotter.

July 29 Arctic sea ice extent is the highest in seventeen years, and there has been no trend over that period.

The surface of the Greenland Ice Sheet has gained 450 billion tons of ice over the last eleven months.  Five of the last seven years have had ice gains greater than the 1981-2010 average.

Surface Conditions: Polar Portal

Fossil fuel usage is skyrocketing around the world.

Global primary energy consumption by source

The US doesn’t control CO2 emissions and there is nothing Biden could do change the trajectory of CO2 growth.

Annual CO? emissions

Global Monitoring Laboratory – Carbon Cycle Greenhouse Gases

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UN : Asia Warming Faster Than Rest Of Planet

The UN says Asia, like every place else in the world, is warming faster than the rest of the planet.

2:42 PM · Jul 29, 2023

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Proof Of A Climate Emergency

The BBC says a man clutching his head is proof of a climate emergency.

1:27 AM · Jul 29, 2023

Temperatures in London are forecast to reach a blistering 71F this week, while the US summer so far has had the least widespread heat and lowest burn acreage on record.

London, United Kingdom 10-Day Weather Forecast | Weather Underground

National Fire News | National Interagency Fire Center

Arctic sea ice extent is the highest in nineteen years.

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Fast Learners

After being censored, banned and defunded for telling the truth about COVID, it is fascinating to see the press saying the same things three and a half years later.

“Covid cover-up: how science was silenced. Who made virus? FBI has a name”

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“Mazda kills off MX-30 EV … after selling just 66 cars”

“Mazda kills off MX-30 EV in US, again, after selling just 66 cars …. The MX-30 was only available in California, a common thread amongst low-production EVs which help automakers comply with California’s emissions rules.”

Mazda kills off MX-30 EV in US, again, after selling just 66 cars | Electrek

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