Latest Science From The New York Times

The New York Times has discovered that people who cut their genitals off tend to be mentally ill and suicidal.

12:00 PM · Jun 27, 2023

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Greenland Surface Continues To Gain Mass

Ice continues to accumulate on the surface of the Greenland Ice Sheet in late June.  Almost 100 billion tons so far this month. Accumulation has been above the 1981-2010 average during five of the last seven years.

Surface Conditions: Polar Portal

ABC News says the Greenland Ice Sheet is melting down faster than previously thought.

Greenland Ice Sheet melting faster than previously thought, scientists say – ABC News

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Colorado Climate Crisis

Morrison, Colorado this evening.

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Colorado Climate Crisis

According to UN climate envoy Greta Thunberg, global warming wiped out humanity four days ago. We explored the situation in Morrison, Colorado this evening.

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The Chinese Inverse Hockey Stick

According to Bloomberg, Chinese CO2 emissions will peak this year and drop to almost zero in about a decade.

Annual CO? emissions

China Nearing Inflection Point for Solar Power and EVs Ahead of 2030 Target – Bloomberg

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Record Hot June 26

June 26, 1980 was the hottest day on record in Dallas/Fort Worth area when they reached 119F (48C.) Dallas had 75 days over 100F (38C) that summer from June 15 to September 19

June 26, 1990 was the hottest day on record in Phoenix, AZ – when they reached 122F. Phoenix has reached 120F since 1995

Historical Extreme Temperatures in Phoenix and Yuma

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Dallas/Forth Worth Record Heatwave

From June 25-29, 1980 the Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas area averaged 116F (47C) as part of  fifty consecutive days over 100F (38C) – during which they averaged 104F (40C.) Their hottest day on record was June 26, 1980 when they reached 119F (48C.)

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Twenty Years Of Cold North Pole Summer Temperatures

The North Pole only has about seventy days per year when it is warm enough for ice to melt. For almost all of the past twenty years, North Pole summers have had temperatures below the 1958-2002 average.

Ocean and Ice Services | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut

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Stop Your Life For The Climate Scam

Climate scamster wants everyone to stop their lives over warm sea surface temperatures in the North Atlantic.

7:58 AM · Jun 25, 2023

Sea surface temperatures around Svalbard are about 5C, which is ten degrees cooler than 1922.

Climate Reanalyzer

“There were few seal in Spitzbergen waters this year,
the catch being far under the average. This, however,
did not surprise the captain. He pointed out that
formerly the waters about Spitzbergen held an even summer temperature of about 3° Celsius; this year recorded
temperatures up to 15°, and last winter the ocean did
not freeze over even on the north coast of Spitzbergen.”

Monthly Weather Review  November 1922

Wayback Machine

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Obama – Protecting Democracy With Censorship

Barack Obama says the best way to protect democracy is to not allow it to exist.

2:17 PM · Jun 22, 2023

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