Do You Affect The Climate Of Lesotho?

The leaders of a bloc of small countries have figured out a way to con millions of dollars of borrowed money out of stupid leaders of bankrupt western countries.

They are sending us a message to throw the idiots out next month.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Do You Affect The Climate Of Lesotho?

  1. Amino says:

    Playing the ‘poor countries’ card.

  2. Nobama says:

    The only reason everyone showed up in Copenhagen (and in a party mood) was the terms of the COP15 treaty, which as I recall had the USA paying ~750B YEARLY to developing countries. Our politicians have spent decades buying agreements and trained them well to look for the handout. Most showed up only to collect. I honestly think the whistleblowing by Monckton beamed enough light on the issue to prompt Congress to remind The President that only THEY hold the authority to legitimize such a treaty. So, he couldn’t sign, and sent Hillary with a 100B check (over 10 yrs) as a token. I remember the photo op with her holding it up.

    With a mere 10B to feed hundreds(?) of greedy dictatorships, glee turned to resentment, and the party broke up early. But all was not lost. The sex trade did pretty well. And the US taxpayers got screwed too.

    • spepper says:

      Great summary, Nobama! And as I recall, at the time of the COP15 events, Copenhagen experienced one of its coldest winters on record…….that’ll teach the “climate frauds” not to schedule at that time of year anymore, at least in the northern hemisphere…..

  3. Chuckles says:

    It has always been about the free handouts, it’s the only reason any of the 3rd world would be there.
    Copenhagen was further derailed by the fact that China, Brazil, India, South Africa and co. , made it perfectly clear that they had no intention of destroying their economies or paying anything but lip service to the quaint policies of the west. Oh, but the free money would be nice.
    Tianjin is going the same way, with China fairly forcefully repeating it’s stance.

  4. Steve Koch says:

    Yeah, this is a point that I’ve been making for quite awhile. As bad as the IPCC is from a scientific perspective, from a political perspective it is much, much worse. Of course the poor nations’ politicians want those climate reparation payments, that is SOP for a politician from any country (show me the money).

    OTOH, China has a unique perspective. China wants to use the IPCC process to hamstring their competitors and profit China. China wants the rich countries to buy solar power and wind power production from China and China wants the rich countries to finance the poor countries to buy the same technology from the Chinese. China wants to be exempted from the CO2 cutting requirements because it is a “poor” country. China’s approach (cynical but intelligent) is to recognize that the IPCC is a scam and use that scam for their own purposes.

    Know this about China: no matter what they say, they will never agree to anything that hurts their economy. The Chinese political leadership have a tiger by the tail. China is prone to messy revolutions/upheavals, China’s political leaders will do anything to keep the people peaceful.

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