Hottest Year Ever : Philadelphia Just As Warm As 1828

Philadelphia is averaging 60F from January-September. That is just as hot as it was in the year 1828. During the Little Ice Age, when CO2 was 280 ppm.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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23 Responses to Hottest Year Ever : Philadelphia Just As Warm As 1828

  1. ChrisD says:

    Well, I gotta hand it to ya. You’ve really debunked the whole Anthropogenic Philadelphia Warming thing.

  2. Brendon says:

    And yet globally the planet warmed 0.6 of a degree.

    Thanks for showing us how variable local weather can be!

    • Paul H says:

      Only if you believe the adjusted temperatures.

      • ChrisD says:

        Unless you can show that the adjustments are biased and invalid, this is meaningless. Most scientific data are adjusted.

      • Paul H says:

        Ridiculous comment. If the temperatures are adjusted then people who adjust them must explain why and this simply has not been done.

        It is not upto anybody else to prove that the adjustments are wrong.

      • ChrisD says:

        Ridiculous comment. If the temperatures are adjusted then people who adjust them must explain why and this simply has not been done.

        Oh, yes, it has. The adjustment criteria are explained in detail. Hell’s bells, Steve included a link to the criteria in this very post. Didn’t you read them?

        It is not upto anybody else to prove that the adjustments are wrong.

        Oh, yes it is. It absolutely is. . NOAA publishes the criteria and the reasoning. If there’s a problem with it, other scientists need to demonstrate that. That’s how science works.

        If you really think that “The temps have been adjusted” is sufficient reason in and of itself to assume that they’re wrong, you are seriously misguided.

    • ChrisD says:

      Just for the sake of correctness, Steve said 1828, not 1928.

      Of course, that makes it even worse

  3. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:

    Hottest year ever, but Coldest Winter in 10 years hmmmmmmmmmmmmm

    • ChrisD says:

      Gawd. The article says that this is the coldest winter in Melbourne for more than a decade hmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

      Why do you guys have so much trouble distringuishing between a city and the Earth? Is it your understanding that global warming means that it will be hot everywhere, all the time? That there will never be an unusually cold winter anywhere, ever?

      What is the point?

      • You must be talking about Moscow.

      • Brendon says:

        The point is to give the illusion that one pace is freezing cold, therefore global warming has to be totally wrong.

        Of course any number of fools will actually be tricked by such logic. That’s why Steve does this.

      • Moscow – as in their hot summer which the AGW community was fixated over as proof of global warming.

      • Paul H says:

        Global Warming?

        Rather out of date Chris. It has moved on to Climate Change and now Climate Disruption as the temperatures have rather stubbornly refused to follow Gore’s Law.

        Next week I think it is Irritable Climate Syndrome.

      • ChrisD says:

        The term “climate change” has been used in scholarly journals since at least the 40s.

        The IPCC was organized in 1988. What does the “CC” stand for?

        But do you want to know who really popularized the term? Look no further than page 142 of this report, the section titled “Redefining labels”:

        “Climate change” is less frightening than “global warming.” As one focus group participant noted, “climate change” sounds like you’re going from Pittsburgh to Fort Lauderdale.” While global warming has catastrophic connotations attached to it, climate change suggests a more controllable and less emotional challenge.

        And the author of the report? Why, it was Republican pollster/consultant/media guru Frank Luntz. The report was widely distributed to senior Republicans in Congress and the Bush administration. Media searches have confirmed that Bush, for one, stopped saying “global warming” and started saying “climate change” soon after after this.

        So, your apparent impression that conniving lefty treehuggers cynically made this change needs some revision. If it’s doubletalk, blame your side, not mine.

      • ChrisD says:

        Moscow – as in their hot summer which the AGW community was fixated over as proof of global warming

        Nobody knowledgable said that, as you know perfectly well.

        The hot (actually, record-setting) summer in Moscow was presented as just one incident in a pattern of extreme weather all over the world.

        Nobody–no, not even Joe Romm–presented it as “It’s hot in Moscow, which proves global warming.”

      • Perhaps not in those exact words.

      • ChrisD says:

        Not in any words.

      • Ah – that is why he talked about it so much, because it had no meaning.

      • ChrisD says:

        And here I thought I already pointed out why Moscow and so many other extreme events were discussed.

      • intrepid_wanders says:

        ChrisD – Uh, many words…

        Brad Johnson quoting M. Tobis, K. Trenbreth, R. Carver… unless, as you say, “…nobody knowledgable…”. I am good with that 😉

      • Philip Finck says:

        Brad Johnson quoting M. Tobis, K. Trenbreth, R. Carver… unless, as you say, “…nobody knowledgable…”. I am good with that

        Thanks for that quip and link. That should shut up ChrisD and also demonstrate that he isn’t adverse to making statements that simply aren’t true.

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