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You still never did get back to me on where the IPCC said snow would be a thing of the past.
I love your theory that it is OK for climate scientists to say anything to the press they want, and then take cover behind the IPCC.
That’s not my theory Steve.
My theory is that you write some headlines based on something a few scientists might have said, rather than what the scientific concensus is.
Key word being “headlines”
Keyword “headlines”; you’ve no other detail to this post.
David Viner of the CRU said it.
It is clear that these sort of claims are deliberately made to hype the debate and scare the public.
Perhaps when they stop making such claims we might be able to have a more grown up discussion.
Living in the UK I can assure you the MSM here have indeed been saying that snow will be a thing of the past, they’ve said so repeatedly and for a number of years now.
The funny thing is I live near the Southern coast, towards the West – i.e. one of the warmer, milder parts of UK and yet I’ve been able to toboggan the last two winters on top of the very snow we aren’t supposed to see any more. I guess that’s just “weather”, as opposed to any heat waves which obviously “prove climate change”.
My children love it when “global warming” is so cold, white, deep and fluffy!
Hopefully so much snow falls on them they can’t hide the decline.
By the way, what happened to chaos theory, they used to say a butterfly flapping it’s wing could cause a hurricane on the other side of the planet, now CO2 controls the planet and chaos only occurs in biology but not weather?
Hmm. WordPress needs to improve its error checking. Let’s try again:
Brendon & Steven
From the last No More Snow:-
“M White says:
October 18, 2010 at 10:12 am
“In Scotland, the skiing industry is likely to experience more
f r equent snow-deficient winters, with adverse impacts on the
financial viability of the industry.” Tourism
I must be bored”
Thanks. “likely to experience more
frequent snow-deficient winters” is quite different to “no snow”.
In the Independent from 2000: that quotes Dr David Viner, a senior research scientist at the climatic research unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia.
within a few years winter snowfall will become “a very rare and exciting event”
“Children just aren’t going to know what snow is,”
It quotes a couple of other scientists too with similar statements.
It will never snow ever and the bears are attacking again, welcome to 21th century science
“Snow Forecast For East Anglia Next Week”
Not any more!
That’s the trouble with weather as opposed to climate.
>> rather than what the scientific concensus is.
Scientific consensus, based on what, exactly?
The IPCC make a big noise that ALL their data is validated, all the reports are thoroughly scrutinized and all the rest of it, but we that to just not be true. So what is to say the consensus isn’t, either?
The “Consensus” is that the science is “Settled” but they are uncertain of what the settled science represents. So the consensus is the uncertainty is greater than the certainty but that does not matter in Pathological Science! They are Certain they do not know!