Northwest Passage Frozen Shut

Romm was bragging about swimming conditions in the Arctic a few weeks ago :

“The water temperature is 7.5 degrees. If we weren’t sailing, it would be a great temperature for a swim!”
September 3, 2010

Here is a report from someone who actually tried it.

We were inebriated just thinking of the bragging rights of this uberpolar bear swim: Leaping from a Nunavut ice floe into the Arctic Ocean at 70-degrees latitude.

We were not thinking of sobering hypothermia shutting down your organs or of a body that was so rigid it felt it had been injected all over by Botox.

As usual, Romm has no idea what he is talking about.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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12 Responses to Northwest Passage Frozen Shut

  1. Amino says:


    As you can see portions of the NW Passage are now frozen over.

  2. ChrisD says:

    Romm didn’t say that, Steve. The captain of the boat making the passage wrote it in his log, and I’m pretty sure it was tongue-in-cheek.

    WADR, you need to either read more carefully or state things more carefully.

    • When Romm reports something on his site, I assume that he believes it. He was not making an argument against it. He is an advocate, not a reporter. And definitely not a comedian.

      • ChrisD says:

        When Romm reports something on his site, I assume that he believes it.

        But he didn’t say it, did he? Your post–intentionally, I think–leaves the clear impression that Romm said this, not that he was quoting someone else.

        definitely not a comedian

        Again, Romm didn’t say this, he quoted it. You don’t have to be a comedian to quote something.

        Steve, nobody on the planet thinks that 12 degrees above freezing is actually “a great temperature for a swim.” Particularly not the captain of a small boat that is attempting to navigate the Northwest Passage. It is patently obvious to anyone that he was not seriously suggesting that it would be pleasant to paddle around in the same waters where they just spent the night dodging ice floes.

      • The comments on Romm’s site indicate that he has the desired effect. His followers take everything he prints as gospel.

        Of course he censors anyone who disagrees with him.

      • ChrisD says:

        His followers take everything he prints as gospel

        As do yours. This does not absolve either of you of the responsibility to be accurate. Just the opposite, in fact.

      • Most of the posts on this site are people arguing with me.

        I don’t censor.

      • ChrisD says:

        Most of the posts on this site are people arguing with me.

        I don’t censor.

        Steve, in what way does that respond to what I said?

  3. PJB says:

    “Is this the room for an argument?”

    “No, uh, this is abuse!”

    “Oh, sorry.”

    “Stupid git….”

  4. Les says:


    Do everybody a favour will you and pin back yer ears!

    When Romm doesn’t like what you’ve posted he censors it. When Steve Goddard doesn’t like what you’ve posted he answers you.

    The bottom line here is that Romm is RESPONSIBLE for what he puts on his website. Logically, it follows therefore that if it is on his website he either likes it or agrees with it.

    • ChrisD says:

      Of course Romm is responsible for what he puts on his web site. Where did I say anything different?

      But this is not about Joe Romm. It is about this blog. Steve is responsible for the accuracy of his own blog. This post very clearly implies that these are Romm’s words. They are not. Steve doesn’t bother to mention that this is a quote, and, obviously, he doesn’t say who’s being quoted. Does that seem completetly honest to you?

      A simple fact: Steve says, “Romm was bragging about swimming conditions…” Well, no, he wasn’t. That is just plain false. Romm was quoting someone else.

      If you don’t see the lack of forthrightness here, your political convctions are getting in the way.

      If blogs aren’t honest, they are of no value, and that applies to both sides.

      • Amino says:

        I posted a comment on that site about what the NAS said about Michael Mann’s conclusion in the Hockey Stick paper. It did not get through moderation.

        You are constantly finding fault with this blog. Do you go to that blog and criticize it?

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