The Cataclysm Of Independent Thought

Colorado Republican Senate Candidate Ken Buck said this yesterday :

“Sen. Inhofe was the first person to stand up and say this global warming is the greatest hoax that has been perpetrated,” Buck said to loud cheers. “The evidence just keeps supporting his view, and more and more people’s view, of what’s going on.”

and this today :

“I am not convinced that the science is settled at this point. I think before we go down a path that is really a huge change in government policy, we’ve got to make sure that we have good science,” Buck said in an interview with the Coloradoan. “And then we’ve got to find a way to accomplish the goal with the least amount of burden to our economy.”

To which his Democratic opponent Michael Bennet’s campaign said :

“Ken Buck’s extreme stance on climate change is a threat to Colorado’s economy and could prove cataclysmic for our national security,”

How much hyperbole can you pack in one sentence? The extreme cataclysmic danger of people thinking for themselves.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to The Cataclysm Of Independent Thought

  1. Layne Blanchard says:

    I sent a fat check to Mr. Buck, and I predict an “Extreme Cataclysmic” Event on Nov 2.

    I have a scientific background, and began studying this issue about 3 1/2 years ago. In that time, I’ve read thousands of arguments, papers, and opinions about every aspect of CAGW. It takes this amount of study to gain a clear picture. I wish more Conservatives were better educated on it. But it’s coming. They’re getting there. Instead of taking an onslaught of insults, they should be giving them. The fantasy of CAGW needs to be ridiculed for the voodoo that it really is.

  2. Layne Blanchard says:

    The discussion usually goes like this:

    Marxist (running as a democrat) : “The earth is BOILING, and in 5 years, we’ll all be huddled together on Antarctica! Mass migrations! 150 ft sea rise! Everyone will die of starvation as they drown in a drought! But my Denier opponent refuses to admit it! Confess, oh ye sinner!”

    Conservative: “Uh, …….I don’t use LSD, so I’m unable to share your delusion. I can’t see the colors…. or your invisible friend CAGW, but maybe if we tried some real world experiments……..”


    …..we need to turn it around, and identify the true deniers…. the truly delusional.

  3. SMS says:

    My story is very similar to Layne Blanchard’s. I spent a lot of time (starting about 5 years ago) trying to understand the science. The implications were significant if we got it wrong. My first book was “An Idiot’s Guide to Global Warming”. Needless to say, it was long on agenda and short on real science.

    But I consider myself well informed now. When I get into discussions with Alarmists, I find they just tote out the old meme “The science is settled”. It is so hard to have a discussion with someone who knows nothing and is convinced he’s right.

  4. suyts says:

    My story is exactly opposite. I don’t know the age of others here, but I’m 46. I was there in school when global cooling was indoctrinated in me. Unbeknown to them, I was also gifted with some great parents! Mom taught me God’s love, and dad taught me man’s foibles. By the time I was 7 or 8, I had a good grasp of GDP, why gold should still back the dollar, and the difference between capitalism and communism. By the time I was 9, I could on rare occasions beat the old man at chess and could win my money back in a few games of cribbage.

    Global warming never was a consideration to me, until they started passing laws. I was incredulous. How and why would anyone lend credence to such lunacy? I began about engaging my fellow citizens. To my amazement, it turns out these people actually trusted scientists and our politicians. They had other things to do, such as provide a living for themselves and their families. (I always wondered how they always seemed to have more than me.) Turns out, they were more engaged to taking care of their own than watching the loony tunes on capital hill. Go figure.

    I was in almost full panic mode when I happened upon Steve McIntyre and his blog. I can’t tell you the relief I felt when I found there were like minded people in the world! Sadly, I slept through statistics class. More than that, I had a hard time explaining simple algebra to some acquaintances! Eventually, I found a reference to WUWT on CA. Wow, there was a guy posting an article and he was direct, plain and usually easy to follow.

    Thanks Steve G.

  5. Scott says:

    The (extremely numerous) political ads in CO area a riot this year. Almost every one of Michael Bennet’s ads use the word “extreme” to attach Buck. Yet he tries to completely avoid his entire senatorial track record, particularly big gov spending.

    It’s obvious enough that voters don’t want big gov spending right now that democrat Markey is using her vote against the bailouts as one of her main campaign points. Two years ago the big spending seem to get people into office, now it’s getting them out? Too bad Markey voted for Cap and Trade though…


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