They Wonder Why We Don’t Take Them Seriously?

Richard Somerville : “Many observed climate changes, like rising sea level, are occurring at the high end of the predicted range.”

Nonsense. It is actually rising right at the low end of IPCC estimates, in spite of the fact that they specified a huge range of 330%.  How could they miss with estimates ranging from 18-59 cm?

The red line shows the high end IPCC estimate. They aren’t in the ballpark. Hansen forecast 3-5 metres.  His line is shown in green.

Why should we believe anything else you say Mr. Somerville? You want to restrict our freedoms based on your flawed view of reality?

Elections come Tuesday. Let’s put sane people in charge.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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12 Responses to They Wonder Why We Don’t Take Them Seriously?

  1. Gneiss says:

    Still baffled that “nonlinearity” concept? It’s a tough one!

  2. Gneiss says:

    stevengoddard writes,
    “Yea, right. Somerville is a psychic. When he said that it is already occurring at the high end of estimates, it was the non-linear portion of his brain talking.”

    And when you wrote that Hansen’s line is shown in green, which portion of your brain was talking?

    “Thanks for the laugh.”

    Happy to help out!

  3. Gneiss says:

    stevengoddard writes,
    “I get it now.”

    Naw, you haven’t got a clue.

    • You can do better than that.

      • Mike Davis says:

        No Steven!
        Gnesis has provided evidence that that is as good as the argument gets.
        And Hansen’s BAU Prediction in 1988 could not have been what he said because it was so far out of line with reality.

        Being consistent with means if the sea level stays where it is or if it goes up whatever amount they were right.
        Fortune tellers are not even that brazen of liars. They admit something occurred to upset the aether and changed the path to lead in another direction. The prediction was right but fate changed the future! 😉
        Somerville is not a familiar name to me as I tend to ignore blithering idiots.

        Some of your visitors have earned special recognition and I want to encourage them to continue entertaining us with fairy tales.

  4. Lazarus says:

    Steve, I’m having trouble understanding what you are claiming.

    Are you actually saying that you believe the IPCC has said some where that sea level rise should be 60mm by 2010?

    • Paul H says:

      ” This did not factor into the most recent assessment of the state of climate science by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in 2007. It forecast a sea-level rise of up to 59cm by 2100, and between 4-6m in the next few hundred years, if average global temperatures stabilised around 2C.”

      Hi Lazarus

      Yep, just what they forecast.

      • Lazarus says:

        “Yep, just what they forecast.”

        No it isn’t. If your unreferenced quote is correct It forecast a sea-level rise of up to 59cm by 2100, and between 4-6m in the next few hundred years.

        They never said it would be a linear rise from present to 21oo. A rise of ‘4-6m in the next few hundred years’, clearly shows that they do not expect it to be.

        • As usual, you avoid the topic of the post. Somerville said that sea level is rising at the high end of forecasts. Obviously that statement is incorrect and your support of his statement reflects very badly on your judgment.

  5. chris y says:

    I think Somerville and other sea level CACA’s (Catastrophic Anthropogenic Climate Alarmists) are imprinting other real-world experiences on the sea level trend. For example, when making a right turn, some drivers, paranoid about running into the curb, will initially turn left before starting the turn right. The satellite altimetry data for sea level (that has been corrected using a handful of tidal stations) clearly shows a slowing in sea level rise. Does this only more firmly support and portend a catastrophic rise in sea level beginning in just a few years????

    Yeah, right. More simulated caca from the CACA camp.

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