UK Hate Crime Law

Hate crime

A hate crime is any criminal offence that is motivated by hostility or prejudice based upon the victim’s:

  • disability
  • race
  • religion or belief
  • sexual orientation
  • transgender

All hate crime is important.  No hate crime is too minor to report to the police. Anyone can be the victim of a hate crime. We all have a racial identity, all have a sexual orientation, all have some sort of beliefs. Anyone of us could be targeted because of some aspect of our identity. Tackling hate crime supports each and every one of us.

Why do we need to act on hate crime?

Hate crime is different to other forms of crime:

  • hate crime targets people because of their identity. It is a form of discrimination that infringes human rights and keeps people from enjoying the full benefits of our society
  • research has shown that hate crimes cause greater psychological harm than similar crimes without a motivation of prejudice
  • hate crime creates fear in victims, groups and communities and encourages communities to turn on each other

  • religion or belief
  • sexual orientation
  • transgender

All hate crime is important.  No hate crime is too minor to report to the police. Anyone can be the victim of a hate crime. We all have a racial identity, all have a sexual orientation, all have some sort of beliefs. Anyone of us could be targeted because of some aspect of our identity. Tackling hate crime supports each and every one of us.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to UK Hate Crime Law

  1. Byz says:


    I’m not sure if you are saying this is bad or good?

    When I was a boy it was not nice being from a half Irish Catholic family in England during the IRA bombing campaign, as we were all branded as terrorists 🙁

    I was born in England, raised in England, believe I am English and I extend that right to anyone else who comes to England to have a better life and being law abiding.

    Luckily I look like I’m from England, but in my life I have been victimised for being a Catholic and also for having a minor disability 🙁

    Also members of my family even now work in environments where because they are Catholic, people make snide remarks or tell jokes labelling us as “pedophiles” and things have become quite nasty over the last few years.

    Even though we wouldn’t invoke such a law for what is going on, it is good to know that it is there 🙂

    • I’m pointing out that the movie “No Pressure” was clearly in violation of UK law. It singled out people of a particularly belief system, and killed them.

      Had they made the same movie about Muslims or gays, people would likely be in jail already.

  2. Mike M. says:

    It’s a thought exercise. I don’t think for a second that the law would protect climate skeptics. If it was indeed all encompassing, some bureaucrat would be looking askance at the 1010 snuff film. If it’s anything like here in the states, hate speech and hate crime legislation is intended only for specific groups the state favors.

  3. Bryn says:

    Having been taken to task by you previously because I suggested your earlier attempt to make this point was “racist”, I’ll admit I partly misinterpreted your message. Raising this issue of the UK Hate Crime legislation clarifies your idea. It is a valid point, but I doubt anyone would take the film makers to court. Nice if it were done, though. Then perhaps we could prevent the watermelons and media using such denigrating terms as “deniers” and it could be a great way to open up the debate ….. but wasn’t that the averred intention of the film makers anyway, even though the outcome might not be to their liking?

  4. Jason says:

    I’m English Irish as well but think it must all be in your head. I never heard a word about it. Just who were these people who were branding every Catholic or part Irish person as a terrorist?

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