Daily Archives: December 9, 2010

CRU Director Predicted An Ice Age In 1972

“We are on a definite downhill course for the next two centuries.” he said. “The last 20 years of this century will be progressively colder. – CRU Director Of Climate Research 1972 http://news.google.com/ h/t to Marc Morano

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Good Thing Polar Bears Are Vegetarians


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HRH Surprised By Severity Of Global Warming

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Global warming is “cold like you’ve never experienced”

http://www.treehugger.com/ h/t to Marc Morano  

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It Has Nothing To Do With Polar Bears

Twitter: Evo Morales in Cancun: “Either capitalism dies or Mother Earth dies” #COP16 h/t to Marc Morano

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Chilly At Hansen’s Office – Manhattan Still Not Underwater

http://www.wunderground.com/ http://nyctmc.org/google_popup.php?cid=180

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Record Cold In Cancun


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Global Ice Extent Anomaly 8,500 Manhattans Above Normal – And Increasing

The poles are in a death spiral, but are healthier than normal as they die.

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If We Tell More And Bigger Scare Stories, Maybe We Can Still Keep The Funding Coming In

Climate science is fun!

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virtually all climate researchers “are now convinced that global warming poses a clear and present danger to civilization.”


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